In a statement, the couple wrote: “After a long period of loving exploration and trial separation, we have decided to divorce and continue our shared lives as friends.”

Mr Bezos has an estimated fortune of more than $160 billion (about £125,434,400,000) thanks to his stake in online retailer Amazon.
Ms Bezos and her husband first met when she was a student at Princeton University and she was interviewing for a job at a New York Hedge Fund, according to Vogue magazine.

She now works as a novelist and is the author of The Testing of Luther Albright (2005) and Traps (2013).
The couple have four children.
The world’s largest online retailer ended trading on Monday with a market value of $797 billion (£624 billion), nudging Microsoft into second place with $783 billion (£613 billion).
Mr Bezos’s company Amazon became the world’s most valuable listed company this week, beating Microsoft ahead of Microsoft’s Bill Gates.
The Billionaire Jeff Bezo is reported to be dating former Tv anchor Lauren Sanchez who is currently married.
Finalization of the divorce progress, which would include property and asset sharing if the couple decides to go that path will make Mackeize Bezo a novelist the richest woman in the world.