The National Resistance Movement top organ has just concluded a week-long retreat in Kyankwanzi the Vatican replica of Uganda`s political process, where they have openly discussed and passed several resolutions.
Whereas these resolutions have a great impact on both the present and future of this nation and have been welcomed open hands by the supporters of the ruling party, it has, as well received negative criticisms from opposition and their supporters as anti-people that have been passed with no active and open discussion by the participants but have them blindly endorsed.
A lot of speculation has found plenty of space in all media platforms especially the new media, and all the media has been awash with the speculative the most pronounced being “NRM discusses constitutional amendment to bar anyone below 45 years from contesting for the presidency” in lieu that it was targeting Robert Kyagulanyi`s presidential bid. In fact, both elites and peasants spent a lot of energy discussing this, even after the NRM chief whip and other officials coming out to deny having discussed this item leave out having it on the agenda.
Though many other resolutions like; the lining behind a candidate during NRM primaries, the Sole candidature of the NRM`s national chairman and presidential candidate 2021, deepening of ideological study among MPS and NRM at large, equal distribution of hydro-electric power and education service, introduction of the national youths services, bringing down power prices to 5 cents and increase budget for ICT sector to mention intended to accelerate our development were passed many political pundits picked only one resolution and ran amok with it.
Politics first and foremost is defined as the activities, actions, and policies that are used to gain and hold power in a government or to influence a government and it`s also the way that people living in groups make decisions. In everyday life, refers to the way that countries are governed, and to the ways that governments make laws.
It is also the methods and tactics used to run a government or an organization, and its purpose is to enable the members of a society to collectively achieve important human goals they cannot otherwise achieve individually. Through negotiation, debate, legislation and other political structures, politics procures safety, order and general welfare within the state.
Politics is important because making decisions is important, and politics is how a group makes decisions. If we didn’t have politics, that would mean no one is trying to have power or control over other people.
Simply put, politics is the debate over societal issues, usually when it comes to governing and laws, although a big part is a social policy and how we, as a society, should deal with issues.
Therefore since every society needs politics and politics being just how we do things its of great importance that the ruling party NRM that is at the helm of governing this country meets under such an arrangement, to debate, deliberate, negotiate and collectively make decisions on how best they deem the country can be governed, goals and development achieved.
Kyankwanzi is Uganda`s Vatican where the ruling party enclaves itself for the good of the citizenry and normally this results in a lot of healthy and informative debates and eventually there is mass participation in Kyankwanzi politics by the citizens that informs the ruling party leaders of the pros and cons of their resolutions and need for re-enactment and redirection.
Politics is about decision making and any leader worth their salt, must be ready to make a decision for his people however unpopular they may sound or be any reason why any country demands a soberly minded leader because decisions made by leaders have a lot of repercussions on the wellbeing of the people.
Leaders declare sanity, free from drug addiction and criminality because citizens want an exemplary leader and one whose political processes will not be hampered by his state of mind.
The Kyankwanzi politics, therefore, ensures that the leaders elected by the citizens fulfil their mandate of making decisions for and on behalf of the people, but in order to do this they need a conducive environment free from home or office pressures so that their mindset is only focused on tasks at hand.
This is, therefore, the reason they enclave in the famous Kyankwanzi, not for any other purpose as some times put by political speculator whose intentions are always to water down the political process there and render resolutions from Kyankwanzi irrelevant and baptize them as anti-people needing rejection.
Let us embrace the Kyankwanzi politics and encourage everyone who feels a desire to enclave to use the facility since it is a national treasure accessible by every citizen of this great pearl.
For God and my Country