UPDF Retirees Urged To Lead Transformation Agenda

Brig Gen Felix Busizoori, Commander of the UPDF 4th Infantry Division, has called upon retirees to harness their extensive experience as disciplined soldiers to transform communities and promote peace and prosperity.

Speaking at the 4th Division headquarters in Gulu city during a pre-retirement documentation ceremony, Brig Gen Busizoori advised retirees to contest for local council positions, leveraging their leadership skills and patriotism. “You have been leaders commanding forces, go home and contest for local council positions since you are patriotic, disciplined and tested leaders,” he said.

He emphasised the importance of personal conduct in earning respect within the community and cautioned against indulging in vices like alcohol abuse, which could lead to disrepute. Brig Gen Busizoori also urged retirees to avoid being troublemakers and instead use their leadership traits to guide their communities out of poverty.

The Division Commander advised retirees to wisely invest their retirement packages in simple, sustainable projects. “Many of you are going to get a hefty package for the first and last time, so use this package wisely. Avoid dealers for quick money but use the money to invest in simple easy projects like goat farming, growing coffee, passion fruits and others.”

Brig Gen Busizoori reminded retirees that civilian life would bring new challenges, requiring them to adapt to a mindset of hard work and self-sufficiency. He commended the retirees for their contributions to combating insurgencies and pursuing peace and security.

A total of 236 junior and Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) from the 4th Division units are set to retire this year.

Nine are Captains, 20 Lieutenants and 207 NCOs. Many have been in UPDF for over 30 years. This year Junior Officers and Non Commissioned Officers are to retire after their salary enhancement

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