UPDF Contributes to Safety of Waters in Somalia

The Uganda Parliamentary committee on Defence & Internal Affairs on its final leg of a six days visit to Somalia has today 30th October 2019 checked on the UPDF Marines unit in Mogadishu.

The MPs who were led by Hon Moses Nangwomu the Vice-Chairperson of the committee were briefed by Lt Col Edward Ijjo the component commander, that the UPDF has deployed capabilities aimed at contributing towards maritime safety in Somalia.

The legislators were happy to learn that the operations of the marine unit have greatly enhanced AMISOM to execute its mandate of supporting the people of Somalia.

The commanding officer appreciated the fact that the members of parliament took off times to visit the mission area and acquaint themselves with the goings within the AMISOM areas of responsibility.

The MPs after the guided tour and ride on the waters, saluted the men and women in uniform for the selfless sacrifice to the cause of peace and security while also reiterating parliament’s commitment to supporting the UPDF with resources to achieve its mission within the framework of AMISOM.

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