UBL Posts an impressive 12% Net Sales Growth

The Company invested over UGX 32Bn in Farmer Communities...

The Managing Director of Uganda Breweries Limited has revealed that the company posted a 12% net growth sales in the last financial. Andrew Kilonzo said this yesterday at the company premises while presiding over the annual UBL Media Day.

Accompanied by the Commercial Director Emmy Hashakimana, Andrew said that the phenomenal growth in sales was majorly driven by premium beer like Guinness, reserve brands like Singleton and mainstream spirits like the iconic Uganda Waragi.

“We have registered this growth while being mindful of our impact on the environment we operate in and the people in our value chain. We have been partners with government to support poverty eradication through modernization of agriculture and invested over UGX 32 billion in farming communities and supply value chains to obtain raw materials for our production processes locally” said Andrew Kilonzo.

A section of the Media Fraternity taken on the guided tour of the UBL Plant at Luzira Port Bell.

The company’s biggest capital investment last financial year  was the biomass steam plant that cut carbon emissions  from the company operations by 92%. Powered by locally sourced biomass materials, the plant exemplifies our dedication to harnessing sustainable manufacturing while offering livelihood opportunities to local communities.

“As part of our Spirit of Progress agenda, we want our business to be part of the community – and positive contributors to the community. So, the conversation about our contribution to farmers is based off that. But we are also citizens of the world and are aware that one of the biggest issues at the moment is climate change; that is why we have invested all these amounts in our mission to be carbon neutral by 2030.” MD Kilonzo said.

On his part, Emmy Hashakimana, the Commercial Director,  rooted for responsible consumption of all UBL products. He said the company has made significant investments in reaching masses with messages aimed at changing attitudes towards harm such as underage drinking, binge drinking and drink driving. He added that UBL has used its brands to reiterate the importance of moderation whenever people are interacting with their products.

“On top of our regular DRINKiQ and Wrong Side of the Road campaigns, we partnered with NTV Uganda in the last financial year to run a campaign called ‘Tokissusa’ aimed at shedding light on the dangers of excessive drinking which reached millions of TV audiences across the country. A classic example of our great partnerships with media to do good.” He said.

Section of the Media Fraternity listening to the UBL Management at the Annual UBL Media Day.

At the annual UBL Media Day, the company interacts with the media fraternity through, a guided tour of the brewery to give the media an overview of the company operations. On the same day, the media also interacts with Management on other components like the ESG agenda, Inclusion agenda  and Diversity, policy issues and the tax regime, campaigns on the environment such as water of life among other things.


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