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Priorities for Africa at COP26 and beyond

Jean-Paul Adam, from Seychelles, is the director of Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resources Division at the UN Economic Commission for Africa. He spoke to Wanjohi Kabukuru for Africa Renewal about Africa’s priorities…

Museveni Hails Chinese Support to Africa

President Yoweri Museveni has saluted the Chinese Communist Party for its support towards African countries political struggle for independence and economic development. “China has been a friend to Africa since 1950s. I congratulate…

Rwanda: African Good News Gone Bad

Of all the “Africa Rising” tales of the last two decades, few are as compelling as Rwanda’s. From the ashes of genocide, the Land of a Thousand Hills emerged as a stable, thriving nation. Its  president, Paul Kagame, is feted as a father…

Great Power Competition is Coming to Africa

Under President Donald Trump, the United States withdrew troops and resources from Africa as part of a broader national security shift from counterterrorism to great-power competition. The Trump administration used the euphemism…