Ssekikubo Confirms Less Than Eight Signatures Remaining to Censure Motion Goal

Lwemiyaga County MP, Theodore Ssekikubo, has announced that his team is only six to seven signatures short of closing a censure motion against four commissioners over their role in the Shs1.7 billion service award.

Ssekikubo expressed his determination not to drop the motion, stating, “We are going to carry out an assessment on whether we should wait for the MPs and later hold a meeting with the MPs who gave us their signatures and we determine the way forward. But the remaining 6-7 signatures cannot make you drop a motion where you have already collected 169 signatures.”

Ssekikubo raised his concerns during a media briefing at Parliament, where he revealed that many MPs are avoiding their constituencies upon learning of his team’s arrival to collect signatures.

“We made the first engagement in Hoima amidst different circumstances and members were quick to run away. On Sunday, we proceeded to Busoga and went to City Hall to see if members could come around and sign. But again, the MPs that showed up had already signed the censure motion, and those that didn’t found difficulty signing the censure motion,” he added.

He also defended the need for Parliament-provided transportation, saying efforts to get parliamentary vehicles for the exercise are being frustrated.

“We wrote to the Clerk to Parliament requesting for the vehicle and the Clerk wrote back to us that it is the Speaker to determine availing us the means of transport since we are in recess. Then on Tuesday, we wrote to the Speaker, but since then, the Speaker hasn’t responded. This is baffling because we are in the course of doing our rightful duty,” Ssekikubo stated.

Despite these setbacks, Ssekikubo remains resolute. “We have gone through difficulty with this motion, and it is this that inspires us to look at how far we have gone, for us to realize we can’t drop the motion because of failure to gather 7-8 signatures,” he concluded.

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