Speaker Oulanyah Makes First Demand from President Museveni

The Speaker of Parliament Jacob Oulanyah has implored President Yoweri Museveni to expedite the process of appointing new ministers, to enable Parliament kick start its legislative work.

Oulanyah who spent the better part of Tuesday meeting the Clerk to Parliament Jane Kibirige and directors of Parliament, over House work, said Parliamentary business cannot commence without government ministers to guide on government business.

He noted that the House would have started on work already, but the pending appointment of new ministers makes it hard for Parliament to engage in any legislative and related business.

“We don’t have a government. We have a President without cabinet and those are the things we should deal with first, we already have the state of nation address coming up soon,” he said.

Oulanyah however said the House would soon embark on its business after the establishment of business and appointments committees of Parliament.

He said Parliament would move to form the appointments committee, to vet those that will be appointed by the president, to kick start business of the 11th Parliament.

Oulanyah also wants party whips to name committee members and chairpersons, to kick start parliament work.

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