South Sudan’s CDF routes for Unity between Uganda and South Sudan.

The South Sudan Chief of Defence Forces, Gen. Santino has stressed the links between Ugandans and the South Sudan people, saying “we are one people”.

Gen Santino Deng Wol  while at a dinner hosted in his honor by his Ugandan counterpart Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba said that he was amazed when he, at one time went to Kampala at a place known as Arua Park and found so many South Sudanese. He thanked Gen Kainerugaba for a warm reception, saying he has been received and treated very well.

On his part, the CDF and Senior Presidential Adviser for Special Operations Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba thanked Gen. Santino for his visit and noted that their two militaries will enter a new chapter of renewed relations for the betterment of the two countries.

Chief of Defence Forces
Gen. Santino Deng Wol. addressing the gathering at the dinner.

The dinner held at Serena Kigo was also attended by the Inspector General of Police Abbas Byakagaba, the Commissioner General of Prisons Johnson Byabashaija, ESO Director General Joseph Ocwet and ISO boss Charles Oluka.

Others present were deputy CDF Lt. Gen. Sam Okiding, Airforce Commander Lt. Gen. Charles Okidi, the Deputy Commander Land Forces Maj. Gen. Francis Takirwa and the Chief of Defense Intelligence and Security Maj. Gen. James Birungi. The 4Division Commander Brig Felix Busizoori and the 5Division Commander Brig Keith Katungyi also attended.

The dinner followed a series of meetings between Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba and Gen Santino that took place at the Defence Intelligence and Security Headquarters where matters of regional security and mutual interest were discussed.

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