President Museveni Warns Ugandans On Lies Told By Opposition Politicians

He noted that household poverty is the biggest challenge to Ugandans and strongly advised every household in the country to play a devoted role to overcome it

President Yoweri Museveni, who is also the National Chairman of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) has urged Movement supporters in the country to understand the difference between NRM and other Parties that have existed in Uganda in the past and those in the country today.

He said that the Movement was founded on principles of honesty, works for unity among Ugandans, does not peddle lies or use political propaganda to gain undue political capital; saying the party deserves the support of Ugandans.

Addressing a rally on Saturday evening at Kashongi Sub-County headquarters in Kashongi Constituency, Kiruhuura District, the President said the NRM Government has developed Uganda through prioritising the most crucial areas that can move the country forward adding that the Movement is not ready to listen to political detractors who propagate lies in order to divert the country’s course of development.

“NRM does not lie. We plan and never propagate lies against Ugandans. We work for unity and despise sectarianism of any kind and this has helped strengthen the Movement giving it the long tenure to lead Uganda and develop your country,” Musevenu is quoted in a statement from State House.

“I sincerely want to thank you the people of Kashongi County and other Movement supporters in the country as it is your support that has brought us this far because you listened to the Movement gospel,” he added.

The President said that because of the popular support of the NRM from all the people of Uganda, the country has been able to experience unprecedented peace and development in all spheres. He, therefore, said that the country has reached an economic take-off stage.

Mr. Museveni, who earlier visited Mr. Yorokamu Kamukama, a model coffee farmer in Kitoma village of Kitura Sub-County, Kashongi County, who earns Shs.160 million annually from his 30-acre coffee shamba, urged residents of Kashongi Constituency to emulate the example set by farmer Kamukama. He said that household poverty can for sure be defeated through modern commercial oriented agriculture.

He noted that household poverty is the biggest challenge to Ugandans and strongly advised every household in the country to play a devoted role to overcome it.

Mr. Museveni, who also commissioned Kitura Coffee huller, a coffee processing plant in Kashongi County, said the vision of the NRM Government is to add value to all Ugandan agricultural products. He pledged support to coffee farmers so that they are able to make their coffee production and processing into better valuable product before exporting it.

The President had earlier visited St. Peter’s Secondary School, Kitura, a Catholic Church founded institution where he highly credited the Catholic Church for supporting government efforts in the education sector. He pledged that government would take on the school and make it government-aided institution.

The President used the occasion to also caution the students at the school to avoid promiscuity that may not only expose them to the deadly HIV/AIDS scourge but also to other dangers related to involvement in pre-marital sex. He said that whoever does not open up and warn them about those challenges, is their enemy.

Mr. Museveni, who pledged support to several Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (SACCOs) in Kashongi Constituency, commissioned the construction of the office block for Kashongi Farmers’ SACCO and called on all Ugandans to embrace fully a saving culture. He noted that it is when people save together that they are able develop together.

Regarding infrastructure, the President pledged to extend electricity to Kashongi County and also work on most crucial roads in the Constituency.

Kashongi Constituency Member of Parliament, Hon. Genensio Tumuramye, said on a happy note that the County has registered unprecedented development since attaining a Constituency status. He, however, reported that lack of electricity is the biggest challenge the constituency is facing. He also called for tarmacking of the road from Ruhumba in neighbouring Kashaari North through Kashongi on to Kiruhuura District headquarters.

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