President Museveni Delivers On Ugx 5M Condolence Pledge to Families of Flood Victims In Mbale

The Minister for Presidency Milly Babalanda has started the process of delivering cash to the families of victims who perished in hostile floods in Mbale City.

The government through the office of the prime minister promised to contribute Shillings 5 million towards funeral arrangements for the families of 23 people who perished following Saturday’s pounding rains.

Minister Babalanda has physically delivered the money starting with the families in Mbale district. 

Among those that have benefited include; Janet Nekesa, David Namara of Mbale district, and Andrew Mwangale in Mbale City.

The minister told the family members it was the condolence from President Yoweri Museveni who was also bereaved by the loss of their beloved ones.   

“Countrymen and Countrywomen, Condolences to the families of our people that died in the floods of Mbale and parts of the Sebei region. All Ugandans are saddened by this loss. Quick recovery for the injured as God will hear our prayers.” Museveni says in a statement

The President in his message also advised the public to stop encroaching on wetlands to avert incidents of floods.

He also instructed Resident District Commissioners(RDC’s) to crack down on persons who fail to protect the environment, promising to shade more light during his forthcoming address on August 5, 2022.

“We cannot afford to lose anymore lives or spend big money to resettle flood victims. Government needs to instead commit more money towards wealth creation programs. On Friday I will address the  nation to offer more guidance.” Museveni said 

The President also stated that Cabinet will convene next week and pronounce itself on the matter with directives to be followed.

The cabinet, next week, will issue directives on all these issues that must be followed this time without hesitation. Why should Ugandans die needlessly and also destroy our environment?

The beneficiaries welcomed the government’s support during this trying moment when they mourn their loved ones. 



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