Police Commanders Ordered to Get Tough on COVID-19 Guidelines

The police director of operations, Edward Osiru Ochom has tasked police commanders to stop being reluctant in the enforcement of Covid-19 preventive guidelines.

Ochom, in his internal message to commanders, said the laxity of police commanders in implementing Covid-19 orders, has been observed with great concern. He added that laxity on enforcing guidelines such as wearing face masks may lead to an increase in the spread of Covid-19.

“The following directives have not been fully enforced and this may lead to an increase in the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic and endanger the lives of Ugandans. Wearing of face masks while in public places, taxis, boda-bodas, private cars and all other places that may create a fertile ground for the spread of Covid-19 pandemic,” Ochom messages read in part.

So far Uganda has confirmed 2,679 Covid-19 cases, of which 1,268 have already recovered from the contagious diseases while 28 have succumbed to the virus. Kampala city has since become the epicentre for the diseases after registering more than 500 cases in less than two weeks.

Ochom added that commanders have also failed to fully implement curfew time which is 6 pm for boda-bodas and 9 pm for all public, private vehicles and pedestrians. Laxity in enforcing curfew time, Ochom says is the reason why bars, shops, arcades, passenger vehicles, private cars and pedestrians are operating beyond the curfew time.

“You are therefore directed to fully enforce the ministry of Health guidelines against Covid-19 pandemic. Take appropriate action against anybody disregarding the directives and always endeavor to get evidence of such incidents or act by capturing and organizing both videos and photographic evidence to ease investigations and prosecution of offenders,” Ochom directs.

Four days ago, police in Kabalagala arrested 49 people who were found drinking alcohol in Nomads bar while seven others were arrested by Kira road police while boozing in late-night hours. A week earlier, Central Police Station (CPS) arrested 15 people drinking in a bar at Nakasero at mid-day.

Police commanders have been ordered to take no exceptions during enforcement of Covid-19 prevention guidelines. The police operations chief warned that serious action will be taken against errant commanders or officers who neglect to enforce the directives.

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