Police Advises Public on Vigilance As Nov.16 Deadly Blast Anniversary Nears

Police has advised the public to vigilant ahead of the first anniversary of the Twin bomb blasts on November 16,2022.

On November 16, 2021, suicide bombers blasted Central Police Station and Parliamentary Avenue, killing at least five people on spot and injuring several others.

Fred Enanga, the Uganda police spokesperson says the public needs to be vigilant because terrorists might plan repeat attacks, as is the habit during anniversaries.

“Terrorists have a philosophy of conducting repeat attacks during anniversaries. It is against that background that we want to call upon Ugandans and visitors as we approach November 16 to be very vigilant,” said Enanga

Enanga however says police alongside joint security operatives have been on the ground to counter any looming bomb attacks devised by both domestic and external terrorist groups.

that attacked the country in between September to November 2021.

“ In these operations we have foiled several attacks, arrested over 35 suspects and 23 of these have been charged to court, several Improvised Explosive Devices recovered. We have dismantled several domestic ADF cells,”Enanga said.

Similarly, Enanga has cautioned bar and restaurant proprietors to seek guidance from their areal police stations as they air the much anticipated word cup on November 20,2022.

He remained the public of the 2010 twin bomb attacks on revellers at Kyadondo Rugby grounds  and Kabalagala during the then world cup finals that left 75 people dead.

“All venues should have security management plans working with police. Ensure access controls like entrance and exit are in place but also there should be sufficient staff numbers to cope up with large crowds. Avoid overcrowding, check all fire exits, look at suspicious behaviours of persons but in case of anything, call police,” Enanga said

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