Tribute to Slain Buganda Clan Head: Speaker Calls on Ugandans to Install CCTV

The Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon Anita Among on Tuesday led Parliament in paying tribute to Daniel Bbosa, Head of Ndiga Clan in Buganda, who was fatally shot over the weekend.

Among urged Ugandans with financial means to install CCTV cameras in their homes and called on the government to make them more affordable for everyone in the country.

Kira Municipality Member of Parliament, Ssemujju Nganda, questioned the absence of security forces in responding to Bbosa’s shooting compared to their swift response to the Leader of the Opposition’s visit to the Lubowa hospital site.

He was concerned about the absence of police presence during the pursuit of suspects by civilians, stating that there was blame directed at the boda bodas who pursued and apprehended some suspects, resulting in fatalities.

“Initially part of the security, was blaming the boda bodas who chased the suspects and killed some of them. Colleagues who are responsible for security should help us understand, how can someone be shot and for 3Kms or even more, it is wanaichi chasing the suspect and there is no Police? There is nobody in Kampala City, somebody is murdered in the broad day and it is wanaichi chasing and it is because of their anger and lack of training that they did what they did. So can we be told, where is security yet when the LoP reports at Lubowa, every minute there is security reporting, why are they not there when people are vulnerable and helpless? he stated

The shooting incident in Lungujja, resulting in the death of Daniel Bbosa, occurred as he approached his residence.

Police spokesperson, Fred Enanga,on Monday revealed that preliminary investigations indicated the assailants had been monitoring Bbosa’s movements. They shot at his vehicle, fatally injuring him while his wife and housemaid, who were also in the vehicle, survived unharmed.

Enanga disclosed that courageous boda boda riders pursued the assailants, leading to the arrest of two and the identification of a third who escaped.

One assailant was confirmed deceased, while another sustained injuries. Enanga mentioned that Police are investigating the motive behind the murder and are retrieving CCTV footage from the area for further clues.

He commended the public, particularly the boda boda riders, for their assistance in pursuing the assailants.

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