New Education Service Commission Member Sworn in for New Term of Office

Today, Ayebare Tumwebaze, Acting Registrar and Private Legal Secretary to the Chief Justice, presided over the swearing-in ceremony of Dr. Beatrice Nkwenge Kasande Byakutaga as a member of the Education Service Commission. The ceremony took place at the Supreme Court in Kampala.

Tumwebaze congratulated Ms. Byakutaga on this significant milestone and expressed gratitude to the appointing authority for deeming her fit to serve another term. He emphasized that their responsibilities extend beyond advising the President and appointing officers, highlighting the importance of exercising disciplinary control over employees and removing them from office when necessary.

“While exercising your quasi-judicial power, you must pay attention to Articles 28 and 42 of the Constitution and observe the rules of natural justice at all times while making your decisions,” Tumwebaze stated.

He further urged the Commission members to adhere strictly to the principles of natural justice by acting impartially, without bias, and by hearing all sides before making any decisions.

The Registrar underscored the importance of maintaining secrecy in their administration, noting that in the age of ICT, the Oath of Secrecy is more relevant than ever. “ICT has made it easy to dig into our private lives, lay bare our conversations, and expose our resolutions before they are even confirmed,” he added.

Tumwebaze stressed the need to address issues affecting the education sector by reviewing terms and conditions of service, standing orders, training, and qualifications of public officers in the education service. He also emphasized making recommendations to the Government on these matters as part of their mandate.

Prof. Dr. Rev. Samuel Abimelech Luboga, Chairperson of the Commission, remarked that Ms. Byakutaga’s reappointment signifies the appointing authority’s satisfaction with her dedicated work. He also expressed appreciation to the Commission members for their overwhelming support and team spirit.

Ms. Byakutaga expressed her gratitude to the appointing authority for entrusting her with the duties once again and thanked the Commission members for their support during her previous term. She pledged to continue working diligently and to uphold the core values of the Commission.

The swearing-in ceremony was witnessed by Ms. Elizabeth K.M. Gabona (Deputy Chairperson), Dr. Violet Kajubiri Froelich (Deputy Chairperson), Commission members; Hon. Johnson Malinga, Ms. Rose Izizinga Kabogoza Musoke, and Hon. Jacob Richards Opolot. Also in attendance were Mr. Kaaya Muhammed (Commissioner ESC/Permanent Secretary’s representative), Assistant Commissioner Ms. Florence Abele Anguzu, Ms. Nandudu Norah (Principal Human Resource Officer, ESC), and Ms. Byakutaga’s family.

The ceremony was moderated by Timothy Lumunye, Personal Assistant to the Chief Registrar.

The Education Service Commission is established by Article 167 (1) and Article 168 (1) of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, which outlines its functions, authority, and autonomy in implementing its mandate. Its mandate includes advising the President on performing his functions related to Article 172 of the Constitution and appointing all personnel in the Education Service. The Commission is also responsible for developing, maintaining, and improving the quality of personnel and the service generally

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