Mpuuga Questions NUP President’s Leadership Skills Following Suspension

Mpuuga was suspended from the position of Vice party president for Buganda region for alleged misconduct

The suspended Deputy President for NUP in charge of Buganda region Mathias Mpuuga has referred the Robert Kyagulanyi as a person under siege who is unable to make critical decisions for party.

Mpuuga’s statements follow his suspension letter from the party president Robert Kyagulanyi in which he indicated that Mpuuga is
suspended from the position of Vice party president for Buganda region for alleged misconduct

How in response to yesterday’s letter from the principal Mpuuga through his X account (formerly Twitter) stated how helpful feels sympathy for Kyagulanyi but he is unsure of how to help or support him because his decision shows that he is a man under siege and desperate for help.

The letter addressed to NUP principal Kyagulanyi reads below :

The President
National Unity Platform (NUP),


I’ve seen a circulating document on social media, purportedly signed by yourself, in the latest fashion by the party.

If indeed it is your document and signature, I appreciate and sympathize with you on the current desperate situation.

I appreciate and understand that you are under siege. I don’t know how to help you and support you.

In view of the contents of the impugned document, that the person suspended failed to supply a satisfactory explanation, yet the same person was earlier on reported to have confessed and apologised, I don’t know how to rescue you and the party from the captors.

The prevailing desperate situation and the circumstances we find ourselves in, will afford me more time and space to consult with the rank and file of the party for a way forward.

Accept once again my sympathies for the unyielding siege that has impaired judgement at the highest echelons of the party.

I remain at your service and that of the party and the country.

Mathias Mpuuga (MP)

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