Minister Mbadi Vows to Tackle Incompetence and Neglect in UNBS and Trade Ministry

He emphasized that despite Uganda’s strides in industrialization, a concerning number of products and produce face rejection due to UNBS

The newly appointed State Minister of Trade, Gen Wilson Mbadi issued a stern warning to the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) and the Trade Ministry staff.

Gen Mbadi made it clear that incompetence and laxity will not be tolerated under his leadership.

Gen Mbadi, who until recently served as the Commander of the Defense Forces, said that despite the vital role that the UNBS should play in maintaining market standards for both domestic and export goods, the institution seems to be trapped in corruption, disorder, and incompetence.

Mbadi was speaking during the handover ceremony held at Farmer’s House in Kampala.

He emphasized that despite Uganda’s strides in industrialization, a concerning number of products and produce face rejection due to UNBS and the quality control department’s neglect. He stated his readiness to take swift action to rectify these issues.

Gen Mbadi underscored the significance of the trade ministry, highlighting its crucial role in national affairs. Despite not being deeply technical in trade and industry matters, he emphasized his understanding of the pivotal role that trade plays in ensuring security at a strategic level.

Daniel Richard Makayi Nangalama, the acting UNBS Director, highlighted the issue of understaffing, revealing that they were currently working with only 500 staff compared to the approved staff ceiling of 1,200.

Additionally, he mentioned the challenges they faced due to inadequate funding, which hindered their ability to acquire the necessary equipment and technology for standardization.

Francis Mwebesa, the Minister of Trade, Industry, and Cooperatives, disclosed that the trade ministry is also contending with internal issues, including allegations of staff underperformance.

He revealed that many of the staff present at the meeting were unfamiliar to him despite his tenure of two and a half years at the ministry. “I will be frank. This is the first meeting to attract such a number. The majority of these staff, including senior personnel, have been absent from management meetings and are rarely seen in their offices. Some claim to be working virtually” said Mwebesa.

He remarked that with Gen Mbadi’s new appointment, the ministry would be revitalized.

Furthermore, he issued a stern warning to the staff, stating that from the next management meeting onwards, absenteeism would not be tolerated and disciplinary action would be taken.

He revealed his intention to implement a biometric clocking-in system for staff and explore the possibility of using the generated data to determine payment based on time spent on tasks.

Geraldine Ssali, the Permanent Secretary, emphasized the critical role of the trade ministry in generating a significant portion of the country’s taxes, yet the ministry faces a shortage of funding.

She outlined various key areas and priorities in her speech, revealing that nearly 500 billion shillings worth of projects remain unfunded.

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