Mbarara University Vice Chancellor Prof Celestino Obua Replaces Prof Okwakol as UNEB Chairperson

In her farewell address as the outgoing Chairperson of the Uganda National Examinations Board, Professor Mary Okwakol expressed her gratitude to the Ministry of Education and Sports for entrusting her with the position and providing her with the opportunity to serve the country.

She acknowledged the prompt appointment of her successor, emphasizing the importance of continuity during a time when crucial decisions, including the budget for the 2024/2025 Financial Year, must be made.

Prof. Okwakol warmly welcomed Professor Celestino Obua, the newly appointed Chairperson, and commended his rich experience and institutional memory, citing their previous collaboration on the 10th Board. Under her leadership, the Board witnessed significant achievements, including an overhaul of its structure, the reorganization of the Secretariat, and the enactment of the UNEB Act 2021, which defined the Board’s functions and increased its powers.

During her tenure, the Board successfully administered examinations, issued certificates, and developed assessment modalities, including continuous assessment in the New Lower Secondary Curriculum. Notably, there was a reduction in cases of examination malpractice due to improved security measures and the UNEB Act 2021.

However, Prof. Okwakol also highlighted challenges the Board continues to face, such as budget cuts affecting the timeliness of its activities and the rising unit cost of administering examinations. She expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Finance for their timely interventions. She called for increased engagement with Parliament and the Ministry of Finance to address budget shortfalls.

She said the Board’s National Assessment of Progress in Education (NAPE) program lacks reliable funding, and the increased awareness of inclusive education has led to a higher number of candidates with special education needs, increasing the need for funding for assistive devices and physical support. The Board continues to tackle cases of malpractice, including external assistance and the spread of fake papers through social media.

Prof. Mary Okwakol expressed her appreciation for the trust placed in her during her time as Chairperson and looked forward to the new leadership under Professor Celestine Obua, hoping for continued support from the Ministry of Education and other stakeholders in addressing these challenges.

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