Ugandans have on day one of the two-week-long recruitment exercise turned up in big numbers to join the Local Defence Forces.
A simple analysis carried out by the UPDF indicates that as of today, the turn up at the various recruitment, centres was ranging from 200 – 1,000 well above the required numbers.
The centres covered were: Gulu Pece Stadium, Lyantonde District Headquarters, Kaabong District Headquarters, Lamwo District Headquarters and Wankulukuku Stadium for Lubaga residents in Kampala.
On Tuesday, July 16, 2019, the recruitment will take place in Kotido, Kitgum, Amuru, Kyotera (for Kyotera and Rakai residents) as well as Old Kampala S.S (for Kampala Central Division).
“The big turn up demonstrates the commitment and trust people have in being part of the country’s security architecture that supports the UPDF doctrine of a small, professional, well-equipped army, backed by a large reserve force,” Brig Richard Karemire said in a statement sent to newsrooms.
In his view, this will no doubt form part of the existing strong base to sustain peace and security of persons and their property thus enhancing prosperity and social the economic transformation of the country.
“We are happy also to note that the turn up in Kampala Metropolitan Area has been particularly higher than the last year 2018. This could be attributed to people having a better appreciation of the value LDUs play in solving their immediate security needs,” Brig Karemire noted.
“However, as the exercises progresses on, the public is alerted to guard against some unscrupulous elements in the community bent on taking advantage of the unsuspecting by soliciting for bribes with a promise to facilitate recruitment. Such persons if caught, will roundly face the strong hand of the law and therefore should stand warned,” Brig Karemire said.