Maintain Spirit of Service to the People – Museveni

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has urged the NRM leaders to maintain the spirit of service to the people by attending to their needs and create more unity and development and avoiding politics of identity.

“We are here to again speak to you as priests of NRM. There is a difference between a priest and a follower. Christians are followers even if they don’t understand the message deeply. A priest understands the bible. As priests when you go out to explain to the followers you have all the background. We should not emphasize tribe, religion etc,” he said.

Candidate Museveni was on Friday addressing a campaign meeting of leaders and NRM flag bearers from the districts of Moyo, Adjumani and Obongi at Celecelea Stadium in Moyo town in Madi Sub region.

“You the NRM flag bearers should swear to the people that you will serve them before anything else. The money is there because of our correct polices, but what is remaining is serving our people with dedication. I want this spirit of service to be maintained,” he said.

Amidst the downpour, which the President braved, he advised the leaders to sensitize the people on the benefits of shifting from subsistence to commercial agriculture. He said while government cannot fully cater for all their needs, its committed to supporting their participation in modernized agriculture to earn money and cater for their daily needs.

The president’s supporter waves to him in Moyo

“The government can immunize and build schools for your children but it cannot build a house for you. So how will you do it if you are not earning your own money?” he said.

Mr. Museveni urged leaders to remind the people that it was because of the unity which the NRM had brought in the country that had in return brought about peace and a professional army that has attracted investors who have increased the country’s taxes, and in turn enabled the country to sustain and develop itself.

The Deputy Speaker of Parliament, who is also the incoming NRM Chairman for Northern Region, Rt. Hon. Jacob Oulanya appreciated President Museveni for maintaining the peace and security in the country, adding that it was because of his consistency in keeping his promise of changing Uganda that the country has transformed.

“This is a mission worthy supporting. This country was in pieces, hurting and divided when you took over in 1986. You were the 9th President and we had had seven military coups in this country which so many people in exile. Thirty-five years later you have this country in one piece and good structures. You promised these people a fundamental change and indeed you have kept your promise,” he said.

President Museveni was gifted with a bow, arrow and spear by the NRM Madi leaders to show their support to him.

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