Kenya Demonstrations: Unconfirmed Reports Four Protesters Have been Shot

Anti-tax protesters in the Kenyan capital Nairobi have pushed their way into the complex where parliament sits.

Local TV has shown images of a police truck on fire nearby.

There have been reports of people being wounded as police fired rounds to disperse the crowds.

A human rights organisation said it has witnessed four protesters being shot, and said that one person had been been killed. This has not been confirmed.

“Such actions are unacceptable and constitute a grave violation of human rights,” the NGO the Kenya Human Rights Commission said.


Thousands of protesters have been engaged in running battles with the police since morning, with the security officers firing rubber bullets and teargas to break up the crowds.

There have been concurrent protests around the country.

The push by the protesters came just as MPs passed a controversial finance bill that introduced unpopular tax proposals.

The youth-led protests have been calling on MPs to reject proposed tax increases.

The government, which has rowed back on some of the most controversial measures, says new taxes are needed to fund spending programmes and lessen the debt burden.

Officers have been deployed to protect various key government installations including parliament.

The protesters who had been shouting “reject the finance bill” vowed to get to the parliament complex.

“We are coming to reject the taxes that are being imposed… We had been given promises that within two years we would see change, but what change are we seeing?” 24-year-old Derrick Mwathu told the BBC.

“There some things that are hard to understand, like how can you impose 16% tax on bread! How can you tax sanitary pads.”

He was referring to some of the controversial measures initially proposed – the government has since said it would not impose the tax on bread and only tax imported sanitary items.

There have also been huge crowds in many other parts of the country, with local Kenya newspaper the Daily Nation reporting protests in about 30 of the country’s 47 counties.

Television news channels are broadcasting split-screen live images from around the country of the crowds in different cities.

Ahead of the demonstrations, lawyers and human rights groups expressed concern about arbitrary arrests and the intimidation of activists during earlier protests.

It came amid reports of at least five prominent social media users being abducted at dawn, hours before the demonstrations.

The protests have attracted the attention of Ugandan opposition leader Bobi Wine and South Africa’s Julius Malema who have both expressed their support.

The government has defended the taxes as necessary for raising additional revenue to reduce Kenya’s debt, but last week conceded to some demands.

It scrapped some contentious taxes including proposed taxes on bread, cooking oil and motor vehicle ownership in the wake of a public outcry.

But the protesters have been saying that this is not enough, and have agitated for the complete withdrawal of the bill.

Despite that, majority MPs passed the controversial bill during its second reading and were on Tuesday debating on the various amendments, to remove some of the clauses that the government has considered contentious.

At least two people died in protests and hundreds others injured in last week’s demonstrations, which were largely peaceful.

Ruto acknowledged the protests and promised he will hold talks to address the concerns of the youth who are at the forefront of the protests.


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