Kadaga concerned about implementation of Parliament Resolutions

The Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga is concerned about the delayed implementation of recommendations of  Parliament after an investigation into corruption cases.

Kadaga said this at a dinner in honor of delegates attending the Ninth Commonwealth Regional Meeting of Heads of Anti-corruption agencies in Africa at the Lake Victoria Serena Golf Resort on Monday, 06 May 2019.

The Speaker said that Parliament has passed many resolutions against corrupt officials but the government was reluctant to implement them.

“ Our committee in Parliament carried out investigations three years ago concerning some road works; it was established that money we had appropriated to pay project affected persons was handed over by Uganda National Roads Authority to the contractors who fixed the money for two years,” she said.

She added that even though Parliament recovered the money, no action was taken against the officials who were responsible.

Kadaga called upon the heads of anti-corruption agencies should exercise courage and vigilance in the fight against corruption.

Kadaga added that there is also a lot of frustration from the public which expects Parliament to act and bring the perpetrators to book.

“When we conduct such investigations, the public gets excited and ask for answers; they call me to find out what I will do to such officials but all that is in vain,” she said.

She said anti-corruption institutions should find a way of bridging such gaps where parliament resolutions are worked on in time and are overtaken by events.

The Inspector General of Government, Justice Irene Mulyagonja said that challenges of corruption faced in these countries are similar therefore, such a meeting creates an avenue where solutions are discussed on a wide platform.

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