James Onen aka Fatboy writes:
I’ve noticed opposition supporters refuse to accept the fact that it’s genuinely possible for someone to support this president (Museveni). That is a problem. No matter how awful you may believe he is, he IS actually liked by a huge portion of the population, whether you like it or not. And of course, there are many who hate him too. That’s fine. It’s the nature of politics. But you guys talk like absolutely no one likes him and he has no support. That is inaccurate, myopic and it’s what fuels your disillusionment. Your electoral losses are not always the result of irregularities. If there is round-the-clock rigging then how did you even manage to get any representatives in Parliament? Think about that for a minute 😂.
You also have to stop assuming you are the only ones who know what’s best for the country. No one appointed you to be our political clergy to dictate what people should like or not like. Actually people find that aspect quite off-putting about your camp. Instead, be open to discuss and empathize with those of an opposing view. Don’t castigate them as sellouts. That’s not helpful, and shows your intolerance. You claim you are better. Be better then. Just because someone isn’t all in for your preferred candidate, it doesn’t mean they hate you. Don’t make it personal.
You may want to abuse me for this. Go ahead. And shoot yourselves in the foot. Look, it is in YOUR best interest to reassess your tactics so as not to alienate potential supporters. Don’t you want to grow your support? I guess not. Keep insulting us then.
No hope, no change 😂 ✌️
The writer is a seasoned broadcast specialist