How Sinister Tik-Toker Was Arrested For Confessing To Kasese School Mass Murders

Police in Kampala are holding a Tik Toker/ shop attendant for boasting in a viral video of how he participated in the recent brutal killing of 42 people at a school in Mpondwe, Kasese.

Alleged rebels attached to the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) attacked Lhubiriria SS on Friday last week, killing over 42 people including students and non students.

The school which is about 2 kilometres from the Uganda-DRC border had dormitories razed down in a vicious fire and  people butchered with machetes and other sharp objects, 37 of the victims were students among them 17 males and 20 females. 25 others were also abducted by the rebels.

Following the tragic event, the errant tik-toker identified as Resto Kalenzi, 25, took to his account to narrate how he was part of the gang that killed and terrorized the school. Kalenzi a shop attendant and resident of Namengo village in Lugazi Municipality.

In the video, he says they killed 70 people and not 42 as claimed by security agencies.

“We killed 70 people even though you are announcing the wrong numbers,” he said.

He also claimed to be part of the twin blasts in Kampala at CPS and Parliamentary Avenue in November 2021.

According to Hellen Butoto, the Police spokesperson for Ssezibwa region, detectives from the Directorate of Crime Intelligence traced down the suspect and he was  arrested and detained at Lugazi Central Police Station.

“The arrest was made following the circulation of a video on TikTok, where Kalenzi Resto proudly confessed to his involvement in the brutal murder of students at Lhubirira Secondary School. This video has been widely shared and garnered significant attention on social media platforms.” said Butoto


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