Give Businesses Time – Urges Kyambadde

One of the causes of business failure is lack of dedication by the owners

Senior Presidential Advisor on Trade, Hon. Amelia Kyambadde has urged all business owners to give their businesses enough time if they are to grow and live beyond their first anniversaries. Amelia said this while officiating at the 5th anniversary celebrations of Lendass Accounting Solutions on Sunday 09th June 2024 at Pope Paul Hotel in Ndeeba Kampala.

“Many business do not live beyond their first anniversary because the owners do not have time for their business. They delegate the day today operations to their businesses to other people who have no vision and hence run them down. Many business owners are too busy  into other engagements and hence dedicate little time to their businesses”. She thanked Stephen and Lydia Kaganda the founders of Lendass Accounting Solutions for dedicating all their time and energy into their business hence  the fifth anniversary celebrations.

Kyambadde told the audience her life experience where she failed in several business ventures because she did not have enough time to supervise them after setting them up and the people she delegated them to took advantage of her absence and ran them down.

On their part Stephen and Lydia Kaganda thanked all their customers for working with them in the last five years. “We pay tribute to those who were at the fore front when we opened our office at Kamwokya. Those were the midwives that saw Lendass become a brand to reckon with.”

They said they coined the idea of starting Lendass after realizing that many small businesses were having challenges keeping clear books of accounts which was hindering them to borrow from financial institutions for further growth. In June 2019 they started Lendass Accounting Solutions to address this challenge. Lendass also supports the youth with “Hands on Training” so that they are equipped with employable skills.

On his behalf, Rev. Fr. Eustachius Lwemalika, the treasurer of the Uganda Episcopal Conference who also doubles as the couple’s spiritual director, urged government to get in touch with professional bodies like Lendass to help explain EFRIS system to the local business owners in the language that they understand.


Kyambadde further said that through their products, businesses like Lendass Accounting Solutions support government in reducing unemployment rates. She pledged supporting them   by linking them to businesses that are in need of their services on top of donating UGX 1m towards the operations of the company.


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