The security minister who is also a representative of the UPDF in Parliament Hon Gen Elly Tumwine has quashed allegations levelled against him by two Members of Parliament including Dokolo Woman MP Cecilia Ogwal and Bukonzo West MP Atkins Katusabe.
Gen Tumwine who appeared before a parliamentary committee on rules, discipline and privileges noted that Katusabe told lies when he claimed that the General had made disparaging statements about Parliament and the speaker.
He equally observed that Cecilia Ogwal’s claims that Gen Tumwine had pulled a gun on her were outrageous and malicious against the General’s character and that of the UPDF which he represents.
“The allegations made by the Hon. Katusabe Atkins and Hon. Cecilia Atim Ogwal against me are false, malicious, taken out of context and made with specific
the intention of demeaning my character, my reputation as an experienced and long-serving legislator and calling into question my discipline and that of the entire UPDF,” Gen Tumwine firmly said.
The General added: “I, therefore, took the grave allegations seriously and that is
why I was insisting on having all the allegations made in this committee given to me in writing,” Gen Tumwine noted.
Gen Tumwine called out Hon Ogwal for making sectarian remarks, adding that the female MP had continued to attack him through the media and to make serious sectarian and divisive statements about the UPDF.
Gen Tumwine who carried with him files of evidence asked the committee and parliament to probe the two MPs for wasting parliament’s time on top of what he described as contempt of parliament.
“My firm statement to her (Ogwal) that she is a liar was also called a threat to her life and she again repeatedly lied that I was touching a gun as I talked to her. She has also continued to attack me through the media and to make serious sectarian and divisive
statements about the UPDF,” Gen Tumwine said.
He added, “On 23rd, July 2019 Hon. Cecilia Ogwal while appearing on NBS Television (Morning Breeze) alleged that I attempted to poke a finger in her eye. She claimed that under the Obote government senior army officers from the North were disciplined and humble unlike me. She gave an example of Oyite Ojok among others. She added that some disciplined Generals such as the late Gen. Aronda had the advantage of studying from the North”.
“In short, Hon. Cecilia Atim Ogwal has engaged in a sustained and systematic media campaign tarnishing my name even while this committee is handling the matter. This
is contempt of parliament and shows the true intention of Hon. Cecilia’s lies. She is just playing bad sectarian politics,” Gen Tumwine noted.
Gen Tumwine’s full statement
The Chairperson
Committee on Rules, Privileges & Discipline
On 26th July, 2019, I received an invitation from this
committee inviting me to respond to allegations made on
the floor of Parliament regarding “utterances on two
separate occasions and further regarding an alleged
threat upon the life of Hon. Cecilia Atim Ogwal with in the
Parliamentary lobby”.
The complainants have alleged that the utterances
attributed to me were intended to demean the Institution
of Parliament and that the alleged threat on Hon. Cecilia
constituted misconduct on my part.
The Chairperson of the Committee and Hon. Committee
members, the allegations made by the Hon. Katusabe
Atkins and Hon. Cecilia Atim Ogwal against me are false,
malicious, taken out of context and made with specific
intention of demeaning my character, my reputation as an
experienced and long serving legislator and calling into
question my discipline and that of the entire UPDF.
I therefore took the grave allegations seriously and that is
why I was insisting on having all the allegations made in this
committee given to me in writing.
For the record, I am an MP representing the UPDF a position
I have held for the last 33 years. I have served in this house
on various committees including the appointments
committee chaired by the Rt.Hon. Speaker. I am therefore
an experienced and disciplined member of parliament. I
have also served as the commander of the NRA (now
UPDF), Director General External Security Organisation,
Chairman of the General Court Martial, Minister of State for
Defence and I am the current Minister for Security.
My public service record is very clear. I am not the person
who has been depicted before this committee by Hon.
Katusabe Atkins and Hon. Cecilia Ogwal.
B. Allegations tabled to parliament by Hon .Katusabe.
During plenary of 23rd July, 2019, Hon. Katusabe alleged
that I had made the following statements; “Who is
speaker? Who is she? What is Parliament? Speaker rules
over Parliament. She does not rule over Uganda.” He
claimed that I had attacked the constitution of the
Republic of Uganda, specifically chapter (6), Article
79(1),(2) and (3). I never had the chance to correct the
record and false impression created by these outrageous
allegations. They excited a number of members of
Parliament mainly from the opposition side.
Several Honourable members reacted to the matter and
made further disparaging statements against me before
they could hear my response. Again, I did not have an
opportunity to respond.
I have seen the remarks Hon. Katusabe gave this
committee. He claims I asked to meet him. That I met him
in my office and that the only people who could hear were
my visitors and guards who were outside my office
because the door was open. This implied that I and him
were alone in the office. He said the conversation was
jovial until I made the alleged remarks.
The facts are that: on Monday 22nd July, 2019 after
Cabinet, my ministerial colleague Hon. Sarah Opendi
approached me for the third time to request me to meet
her friend Hon. Katusabe Atkins of Bukonzo, Kasese District.
We came straight to my office and waited for over an hour
before Hon. Katusabe Atkins arrived.
When Hon. Katusabe arrived, we had a jovial interaction
through which I got to know more about him and the
colleague Minister. They informed me that they initially met
in the USA where Hon. Katusabe had spent 26 years and
that they are currently husband and wife.
Hon. Katusabe Atkins then introduced the matter of the
conflict between Babughirana and Alisam Abattoirs in
Kasese District. He expressed to me that he was unhappy
about how security was handling the matter and
specifically he wanted to lobby me to support one of the
conflicting groups in which it is believed he has interest,
taken from this biased actions.
I told him to stop inciting the people and not to disregard
the District Security Committee resolutions as it was not
good for security interests in his constituency and the
country. He had publically told people to disobey the
district security council resolution.
He then said that he intended to refer it to the Parliament
to protest alleged orders of ‘shoot to kill’. I told him there is
no such order of “shoot to kill” and that it was not necessary
to drag Parliament on a matter already handled by the
District Security Committee (DSC). I emphasised that that
Separation of powers saves parliament from getting
involved in every matter.
I gave my views and he gave his views. He disagreed with
me and insisted on presenting the matter to parliament
and he did.
I wish to emphasize the following falsehoods and lies;
i. Hon. Katusabe did not meet me alone. Hon Sarah
Opendi was present all through. The impression in his
testimony before the committee that he was alone in
my office is false and therefore a lie.
ii. Part of the three hours we spent was on personal
friendly conversation and; a free and frank discussion
among Parliamentary colleagues and in presence of
a Ministerial colleague. The allegation that people
outside my office could hear is false and therefore a
iii. It is also a lie that my office door was open while we
were discussing.
iv. Claiming that I am the one who asked him for a
meeting is also false and a lie.
v. Claiming that I demeaned parliament by talking
about separation of powers is outrageous and
another lie.
vi. He misled the speaker that the army took over an
abattoir which is completely false.
Hon Katusabe told parliament that the statements
attributed to me constituted on attack or violation of
Article 79 (1), (2) and (3) of the Constitution.
My challenge to Hon. Katusabe was to tell me what role
parliament would play in this matter; in resolving the
dispute between butchers what is the role of Parliament?
In a matter of conflicting butchers, which was already
sorted, why bring Parliament?
Deviating from the above context is a deliberate attempt
to injure my reputation and waste parliament’s time. I
cannot ask, who the Speaker is because I know who she is
– Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga, whom I have known and
worked with for a long time.
I know the roles of Parliament since I have been the longest
serving Member of Parliament for 33 years.
Hon Katusabe, in his submission to parliament accused
security agencies for what he called “Shoot to Kill orders
and that I attacked the Constitution specifically chapter
(6), Article 79(1),(2) and (3).
There has never been a “shoot to kill order” as alleged by
Hon. Katusabe.
I also expected Hon. Katusabe to show how I attacked the
chapter six of the Constitution. I have not stopped
Parliament to do its principal duties of making laws and
neither have I purported to usurp Parliament’s powers.
It seems Hon. Katusabe had even told the Speaker that the
army had taken over an abattoir. The Rt. Hon. observed
stated that, “I am told the army took over one abattoir”.
Neither UPDF nor any security agency has ever taken over
any abattoir in Kasese.
Hon. Katusabe’s intention must have been to deliberately
injure and spoil my reputation and that of UPDF. The officers
and men of UPDF and other Security agencies serve this
country at great personal sacrifice and careless allegations
against those gallant Ugandans should not be taken lightly.
In any event, what exactly does Article 79 say which I
violated? Even if the allegations of Hon. Katusabe were
true, which they are not, would they represent a violation
of this Article? In my opinion, Hon. Katusabe’s interpretation
of Article 79 is far-fetched and irrelevant. The Article is in
plain English which Hon. Katusabe appears not to
understand and speak very well. The Article states as
Article 79. Functions of Parliament.
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution,
Parliament shall have power to make laws on any
matter for the peace, order, development and good
governance of Uganda.
(2) Except as provided in this Constitution, no person
or body other than Parliament shall have power to
make provisions having the force of law in Uganda
except under authority conferred by an Act of
(3) Parliament shall protect this Constitution and
promote the democratic governance of Uganda.
The Article is about making laws. When I state that
Parliament should not be involved in an already handled
matter, am I violating Article 79? Even if it was true, can
Hon. Katusabe’s misrepresentation of our private discussion
in my closed office amount to a violation of Article 79? The
answer is no. According to him he was shocked by my
views which he chose to deliberately misrepresent.
However Article 29 (1) (a) and (b) provides;
(1) Every person shall have the right to—
(a) freedom of speech and expression which shall
include freedom of the press and other media;
(b) freedom of thought, conscience and belief which
shall include academic freedom in institutions of
Therefore, opinions, thoughts and beliefs on the roles and
functions of parliament are constitutionally protected. In
this particular case I am accused of expressing my opinion
in a private conversation with my colleagues. If this had
been an official meeting, there would minutes and the
committee would have asked for copies. Official meetings
must have minutes and the most recent precedent is the
COSASE committee where the bank of Uganda was
criticised for not keeping minutes of official meetings.
In this particular case which is taking plenty of precious time
of parliament, my ministerial colleague was introducing to
me Hon. Katusabe as her husband among other issues.
Private communication is constitutionally protected. Article
27(2) provides;
Right to privacy of person, home and other property.
(2) No person shall be subjected to interference with
the privacy of that person’s home, correspondence,
communication or other property.
Let us go back to Article 79(3); this parliament is
commanded by that article to protect the constitution.
Hon. Katusabe having admitted that this was a private
conversation, cannot be in order in bringing the same
matters to parliament.
So, I wish to point out that the real act of demeaning
Parliament is to appear before this committee and tell
deliberate lies by deviating from the context of our private
C.Allegations/complaints raised by Hon. Cecilia Ogwal.
Regarding the complaints by Hon. Cecilia Atim Ogwal, the
alleged threat arises from my assurances to her that she
was lying when she stated that I pulled out a gun on her.
She lied before parliament that I threatened her life due to
her strong position against use of DDT. My firm statement to
her that she is a liar was also called a threat to her life and
she again repeatedly lied that I was touching a gun as I
talked to her. She has also continued to attack me through
the media and to make serious sectarian and divisive
statements about the UPDF.
On 23rd, July 2019 Hon. Cecilia Ogwal while appearing on
NBS Television (Morning Breeze) alleged that I attempted
to poke a finger in her eye. She claimed that under the
Obote government senior army officers from the North
were disciplined and humble unlike me. She gave an
example of Oite Ojok among others. She added that some
disciplined Generals such as the late Gen. Aronda had the
advantage of studying from the North.
On the same date, on NBS live at 9 (News bite), she alleged
that I attacked her and attempted to pull out a gun on her.
She also alleged that I raised my voice at her. She also
alleged that I had pulled out a pistol on her in the
Parliament due to her firm position against use of DDT.
She also stated that she has survived several assassination
plots and that if she died it would be me. She added that
even if any member of her family died I would be
In short, Hon. Cecilia Atim Ogwal has engaged in a
sustained and systematic media campaign tarnishing my
name even while this committee is handling the matter. This
is contempt of parliament and shows the true intention of
Hon. Cecilia’s lies. She is just playing bad sectarian politics.
While appearing before the committee, she again lied that
I doctored the CCTV footage by virtue of the fact that I am
minister for security. This was after realising that the footage
does not favour her earlier lies.
For the record, it is the speaker and the sergeant at arms
who control the security of parliament and Hon Cecilia
knows this. If she claims that the CCTV footage was
doctored, then that is an attack on the office of the Rt.Hon.
Speaker and that is the kind of attack that demeans
parliament and the Speaker. It constitutes contempt of
parliament contrary to Rule 221 of the Rules of parliament.
The same contempt applies to the allegation that I always
access parliament with a gun which is false. This brings into
question the security of parliament. This compromises the
dignity of parliament and its performance of its duties and
should not be taken lightly.
The allegations of Hon. Cecilia Ogwal that I pulled out a
gun on her in the Parliament is a lie. Parliament is secured
and I never pulled out a gun on her. This allegation of 15
years ago is intended to enrage the MPS against me and
the UPDF.
The best way to prove that she is not a liar is to produce
evidence from the relevant records of the 7th Parliament.
This allegation of threatening her life is brought in bad faith
and it is a lie.
The allegation on threatening to poke a finger in her eye is
also a lie and the CCTV evidence supports me. I called her
a liar and told her I was disappointed with her disgraceful,
sectarian, evil lies yet she claims to be a born-again
The continuous appearance on media over the same
issue, and many other lies must be challenged. Refer to
audio recordings attached.
Hon. Ogwal has further stated that she survived several
assassinations and that if she dies or if any member of her
family dies it would be Gen. Tumwine. This is a ridiculous
and dramatic lie.
Hon. Cecilia Ogwal had a plan of inciting the public,
attacking the reputation of UPDF, attacking the Executive
and many more unimaginable allegations and she used
Parliament to accomplish her plan.
All her accusations against me and the UPDF are malicious
and lies.
Parliament’s work the whole afternoon was unjustifiably
obstructed, incited, enraged in an effort to obstruct me
from discharging my work both as a Member of Parliament
and a Minister of Security telling outrageous lies and
causing outraged to Parliament affronts the dignity of
Parliament especially over its security.
It is a bad practice for individuals to use Parliament for their
selfish motives and especially to turnish and injure the
reputation of their fellow members of Parliament who work
so hard to maintain their clean record throughout the years
of service in Parliament of Uganda.
The attached evidence indicates a deliberate attempt to
incite hatred against me and the UPDF. This is a threat to
peace and security and I implore parliament to take
interest for the good of the entire country.
The false accusations constitute contempt of Parliament;
they demean Parliament, constitute an attack on the
constitution, have caused outrage, fear and insecurity to
members of Parliament and the complainants must take
As I already observed, the allegations against me have no
basis and no proof and they should be disregarded.
I want to let it be known that I reserve the right to exercise
all my legal rights on these matters.
Evidence in support of my response.
1. Written statement by Hon. Katusabe dated 23rd, July
2019 marked A’
2. Audio recording of Hon.Cecilia Ogwal on talk show
program, Dokolo FM on 28th, July 2019. marked B’
3. Interpreted version of Hon.Cecilia Ogwal’s
presentation on talk show program, Dokolo FM on
28th, July 2019 marked C. (It is at Makerere University
for authorised interpretation).
4. Audio recording of Hon.Cecilia Ogwal appearing on
NBS TV live at 9 on 23rd, July 2019 marked D’
5. Audio recording of Hon.Cecilia Ogwal appearing on
NBS TV, morning Breeze on 24th, July 2019 marked E
6. Audio recording of Hon.Cecilia Ogwal appearing
before the committee of rules privileges and
discipline marked F’.