Gen Tumwine demands apology from Cecilia Ogwal over Gun remarks

Security minister and UPDF Member of Parliament Hon Gen Elly Tumwine wants and an apology from Dokolo woman MP Cecilia Ogwal over false claims made against the General.

While in Parliament on Tuesday, Ogwal claimed that Hon Gen Tumwine had put her on gunpoint, something that may not be possible since guns are not allowed parliamentary chambers.

This website understands that the issue of the Hon Gen Tumwine allegedly making comments on a radio station that undermine parliament was not on the order paper.

By the time the issue was brought up, Gen Tumwine had not been in the House.

It all started when Bukonzo West MP Godfrey Atkins Katusabe alleged Gen Tumwine who is one of the 10 UPDF MPs, during a one-on-one meeting on Monday, made disparaging statements about Parliament when the legislator informed the General that he would raise a matter about ongoing fights over the cattle market in Mpondwe-Lhubiriha Town Council in Kasese District.

Earlier, efforts by Ministers Bright Rwamirama (State for Defence) and Ms Rosemary Sseninde (State for Primary Education) had asked the House not to debate the allegations in the General’s absence citing unfairness but the efforts were futile. 

When Gen Tumwine finally made his way into the Chambers, he explained that he had respect for Parliament and could not undermine the House.
“If there is anybody who can die for this Parliament, I am the one. I am a disciplined UPDF General and I am a born-again Christian,” Gen Tumwine said.
Despite the General’s polite remarks, MP Cecilia Ogwal was quick to accuse Gen Tumwine of having put her on gunpoint during the 7th parliament, something she had never raised before.

This reporter, however, understands that the witch hunt against the General is in relation to his occupancy of Nomo gallery.

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