Gen Olum Hails UPDF, FARDC Joint Military Operations

The joint operations between the UPDF and FARDC in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) against the ADF are still ongoing at Fort Fun City in Forportral. Maj. Gen. Dick Print Olum has formally opened the joint operations, expressing his congratulations and gratitude to the forces for their hard work and cooperation, which has resulted in visible achievements.

During the meeting, the commander of the Div Commander MTN articulated the achievements that have been reached in the ongoing joint operations against the ADF. He highlighted that the operation Shujaa, which was launched on September 30, 2021, aimed to counter the ADF’s atrocities, including abductions, arson, looting, pillaging, destruction, and the displacement of people, such as IDPs and refugees.

Maj. Gen. Dick Print Olum briefed the officers about the current situation, stating that around 80 percent of operation Shuuja has already been accomplished, resulting in a relatively calm environment. However, he mentioned that there are still a few incidents caused by poachers pretending to be part of the ADF. Additionally, he acknowledged that there are political challenges in the DRC, with some politicians attempting to divert attention from the operation’s agenda through propaganda.

Gen. Olum informed the senior and junior officers that the ADF is currently under significant pressure from the joint forces, causing the group to split into smaller, highly mobile squads to overwhelm and challenge the joint forces. He revealed that on June 16, 2023, a group of approximately 15 ADF terrorists, commanded by ABU WAQAS, including Komusi (active) and Lama (POA) Masereka (active), attacked Mpondwe-Lhubiriha boarding SS in Kasese district. This attack resulted in the deaths of 44 students and 6 civilians, with 8 injured but out of danger, and 6 students abducted and later killed in the Mwalika Valley on the orders of ABU WAQAS.

Gen. Olum emphasized that there is still work to be done, as there is a rebel leader named Hood Lukwago, a Ugandan, who is currently leading the ADF. He called on the commanders to deal with these rebel leaders, including Mubindo, Lukwago Iddi Batambuze, and Mzee Muhindo, while others such as Meddie Nkalubo and Musa Kabuye have already been neutralized and more are to be targeted.

The commander encouraged the joint operations to continue their efforts, including teaching, mobilizing, treating civilians, and constructing passable roads to weaken the ADF’s capacity to wage war. Gen. Olum stressed the importance of shooting and killing the enemy as the primary objective of the operations.

Maj. Gen. Kasongo Maloba Roberts, the commander of the sector operation in North Kivu, expressed his support for the joint forces and stated that this operation marks a new chapter in both countries’ security situation. He reaffirmed the need to continue working together to eliminate the ADF threat in eastern DRC and other areas.

Maj. Gen. Kasongo Maloba Roberts was accompanied by Maj. Gen. Nyembo Abdallah, the commander of operation Shuuja in Buni, DRC. Gen. Nyembo expressed gratitude for the efforts made by both countries in the fight against the ADF in eastern DRC.

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