Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa: If Uganda Supported Me, Kagame’s Gov’t Would Have Fallen

Gen Kayumba's words echo businessman Tribert Rujugiro who said that if he supported Gen Kayumba and his team, Kagame would be out of power in less than six months.

Former Rwandan spy chief Lt Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa has said that if Uganda was supporting his activities against the government of Rwanda, they would not be in power.

“They know very well what happened when Uganda supported them (although they deny it now),” Lt Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa told New Vision in an interview.

Paul Kagame’s government has severally accused Uganda of supporting Gen Kayumba and his Rwanda National Congress party.

Relations between Uganda and Rwanda soured in February after Rwanda blocked Ugandan cargo trucks from entering its territory at the busiest crossing point, Katuna and later Cyanika, and barred its nationals from crossing into Uganda.

Rwandan leaders including their president Paul Kagame have accused Uganda of offering support to two foreign-based Rwanda rebel groups – Rwanda National Congress (RNC) and Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR).

The RNC is a rebel group led by some of Rwanda’s most prominent dissidents including South Africa-based Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa. Its founders say it is a political party.

The FDLR is a rebel group composed in part of former Rwandan soldiers and Hutu militias who fled into the Democratic Republic of Congo.

But the South African based Gen Nyamwasa has laughed off the allegations, saying Kagame and his group would have long been out of power if Uganda offered the said support.

Gen Kayumba’s words echo businessman Tribert Rujugiro who said that if he supported Gen Kayumba and his team, Kagame would be out of power in less than six months.

Uganda says

Ugandan Foreign Minister Sam Kutesa said the accusations by Rwanda are false. Uganda could not allow anyone threatening a neighbour “to operate from its territory,” he said.

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