Frank Nyakana Rusa Assigned as KCCA Acting Executive Director

Frank Nyakana Rusa, Director of Legal Affairs, has been assigned the duties of Executive Director for Kampala Capital City Authority-KCCA by President Yoweri Museveni.

This development follows the dismissal of Ms. Dorothy Kisaka, the now-former Executive Director, in what has been described as a decision made in the public interest by the President of Uganda.

The directive, issued by the Office of the President through the Deputy Head of Public Service, took immediate effect. Mr. Nyakana is expected to assume full responsibilities of the post while continuing to oversee his current role in legal affairs.

The reassignment is governed by a framework involving Uganda’s Constitution (1995), the Public Service Act of 2008, and KCCA-related legislation. It includes strict adherence to the KCCA Human Resource Management Policy and other standing orders, with Mr. Nyakana expected to provide quarterly reports to both the Head of Public Service and the Secretary to Cabinet. He will also liaise closely with the Minister in charge of Kampala.

Dorothy Kisaka was dismissed from her role as Executive Director of Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) following the tragic Kiteezi Landfill disaster in August 2024, which claimed over 30 lives.

The dismissal was part of a broader action by President Yoweri Museveni, who also removed two other senior KCCA officials, including Deputy Executive Director David Luyimbazi and Director of Public Health Dr. Daniel Okello.

An investigation by the Inspector General of Government (IGG) revealed significant negligence by KCCA leadership, specifically regarding waste management at the landfill. The report highlighted failures in enforcing safety protocols and addressing community concerns, which contributed to the disaster.

As a result, Museveni invoked his constitutional authority to dismiss the officials in the public interest. A criminal investigation into their potential responsibility for the disaster is ongoing​

Mr. Nyakana’s immediate task will involve ensuring continuity and addressing key urban management challenges within the city.

Frank Nyakaana Rusa is a seasoned legal professional with over 20 years of experience in law, governance, and public service. He holds a Bachelor’s in Law from Makerere University, a postgraduate diploma from the Law Development Centre, and a Master’s in Public Administration from Harvard University.

Rusa has had an extensive career, including serving as the Executive Secretary of the Inter-Party Organization for Dialogue (IPOD) and the Country Representative for the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD), where he worked on fostering dialogue among political parties. He was also the Director of Legal Affairs at Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), guiding legal matters and managing legal risks within the organization.

Additionally, Rusa held senior roles at the Democratic Governance Facility (DGF), a major fund supporting democratic governance in Africa, and at the Uganda Electoral Commission, where he helped guide the country’s transition to multiparty politics in 2005. He has also been a fellow at Stanford University and the National Endowment for Democracy in the U.S.

Recently, Rusa was appointed as the acting Executive Director of KCCA following the dismissal of Dorothy Kisaka. He has been tasked with navigating the Authority through a challenging period, especially after the Kiteezi landfill tragedy that claimed over 30 lives. His role involves addressing these issues and ensuring the smooth operation of the KCCA until a substantive executive director is appointed​

The transition comes at a critical time for Kampala, with several ongoing projects aimed at improving infrastructure and service delivery. Stakeholders are eager to see how this leadership change will impact the capital’s development.

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