Former Egypt President Mohamed Morsi Collapses and Dies in Court

Egypt’s ousted president Mohamed Morsi has collapsed during a court session and died, according to state television.

The state broadcaster said on Monday that Morsi, 67, was attending a session in his trial on espionage charges when he blacked out and then died. His body was taken to a hospital, it said.

Morsi, a senior figure in the now-outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, was elected president in 2012 in the country’s first free elections after longtime leader Hosni Mubarak was forced from power.

Following a wave of mass protests in 2013, the military ousted Morsi and crushed the Brotherhood in a major crackdown, arresting many of the group’s leaders.

In 2018, a panel of three British parliamentarians reported that Morsi was being kept in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day, with just one hour allowed for exercise.

The politicians – who formed an independent Detention Review Panel – said that the conditions of Morsi’s confinement could be classified as torture and could also lead to his premature death.

Morsi, who had a history of ill-health including diabetes, liver and kidney disease, was not receiving the adequate medical care required, the MPs found.

By the guardian

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