The Electoral Commission(EC) has finally evacuated its former head offices on Jinja road to allow the Uganda National Roads Authority-UNRA start the construction of the Kampala Flyover project and road upgrade.
The EC boss Justice Simon Byabakama, on Tuesday morning, officially handed over the 1.093 hectare land valued at 23 billion to UNRA officers
According to Justice Byabakama they will now be located at Works and Transport Ministry land on seventh street Industrial Area.
“We are here with the team from UNRA to hand over the said premises to enable the works of the flyover project proceed. As you are aware, phase one is ongoing at Queen’s way clock tower, This property now belongs to UNRA and its up to them to use it whichever way they deem fit” he said
He says the premises would be affected by the development of the standard gauge railway and the Kampala Flyover project. The Kampala flyover lot II is going to have bus transit routes, improve the efficiency of traffic flow and all the roads will be signalized for quick traffic flow.
The Electoral Commission has lived on the affected premises for over 27 years and has conducted five general elections from 2001 to the recent one of 2021.
“It is not easy to leave a place you have known as home for many decades, so many memories that cannot be easily washed away, but we have to accept change especially if it is for the better.” said Byabakama
Plot 55 Jinja Road was formerly the main offices of Govt Central Purchasing Corporation (GCPC) until 1996 when it became the home of the Interim Electoral Commission(IEC).
Byabakama said the IEC and the successor (permanent) Electoral Commission,had commenced with plans to convert the structures into modern offices and to build a permanent structure.
“However, these plans were not achieved because the Ministry of Works and Transport advised that the land would be affected by the development of the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) and the Kampala Flyover Construction and Road Upgrading Project (KFCRUP). ” he said
Lawrence Pario, an Engineer from UNRA said that the authority needs an additional US$ 200 million because of the change in the design of the standard Gauge Railway, which forced them to change the road design.
The project (Jinja Road – Mukwano Road – Queen’s Way) is funded by the Ugandan government under the Uganda National Road’s Authority (UNRA), with financing from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).