Crown Beverages and Waste Pays Enter into Strategic Partnership to Enhance PET Waste Collection

Crown Beverages the makers of Pepsi Cola has entered into a strategic partnership with Waste Pays a pioneer in sustainable waste management solutions, to significantly enhance the collection and recycling of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) waste in Uganda. The partnership will contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable environment.

Speaking at the launch of the partnership in Jinja city, Hilda Mbabazi the CEO of Crown Beverages Limited said that this drive that will go to many cities across Uganda. “We are thrilled to partner with Waste Pays to tackle the pressing issue of plastic waste. This collaboration is a significant step towards our goal of creating a more sustainable future.”

Employees of Waste Pays Ltd demonstrate to Crown Beverages Limited  Staff how the recycling machine works

Hilda further said that while responding to consumer demand for refreshment products on-the-go, the volumes of PET products sold in Uganda and consequently PET waste generated has increased over the years. Cognizant of the emerging impact of plastic waste to climate change and inline with PepsiCo International’s agenda, Crown Beverages Limited is supporting the PET waste management by boosting the collection efforts of leading PET collectors and recyclers in Uganda.

This partnership according to Franc Kamugyisha the CEO of Waste Pays  will boost their collection efforts. “Waste Pays is excited to join forces with Crown Beverages Limited. Together, we can make a substantial impact on PET waste collection and recycling, benefiting both the environment and our communities”

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) plastics recycling is the leading sub-sector in Uganda, with up to 600 metric tons of plastic waste generated daily, however only 6% of plastic waste is collected. PET waste includes soda and water bottles; mouthwash bottles; peanut butter containers; salad dressing and vegetable oil containers.

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