Court Martial Jails Soldier 35 yrs for Absconding Duty

The UPDF 3rd Division court-martial, led by Col. Francis Kateraho, announced this verdict

In Moroto district, the court martial has issued a sentence of 35 years to Private Abraham Engwedu, 44, for desertion, which violates section 146 of the UPDF Act 07 of 2005.

The UPDF 3rd Division court-martial, led by Col. Francis Kateraho, announced this verdict on Sunday.

Engwedu’s imprisonment will take place in Moroto government prisons. The court proceedings revealed that Engwedu deserted his post at the 19th Infantry Battalion armed in November 2006 at Matany detach, Napak district. He remained at his residence in Kalaki district until apprehended, during which government stores were also recovered by security personnel.

Additionally, during the same session, the court dismissed Private Stephen Jarili from 3 Division headquarters, who was attached to Mount Elgon Conservation Area under the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA).

Jarili was granted a 14-day leave pass from his duty station in Mbale on September 4th, 2017, but failed to report back until February 23rd, 2023, resulting in an extended absence classified as Absent Without Official Leave (AWOL).

Both individuals pleaded guilty, leading to their convictions. Colonel Francis Kateraho, the 3rd Division Court Martial chairman, emphasized the severity of the sentence as a deterrent to potential future offenders. He stressed the military’s unwavering stance against desertion, noting the significant investment in personnel training.

The court granted a 14-day window for appeal should either party wish to contest the judgment.

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