Controversy Erupts Over Proposed Bill to Change Selection of LOP

During a regional sitting of Parliament in Gulu on August 29, 2024, the Mityana County South MP Richard Lumu introduced a Private Member’s Bill entitled, “The Administration of Parliament Amendment Bill, 2024.”

This Bill seeks, among other things, to revise the selection process for the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament.

Currently, under the Administration of Parliament Act, the Leader of the Opposition, who is given the status of a cabinet minister, is elected by the opposition party with the greatest numerical strength in Parliament.

However, MP Richard Lumu argued during the plenary sitting that the current method of electing the Leader of the Opposition excludes other opposition parties represented in Parliament, even though the Leader of the Opposition oversees all of them and selects the shadow cabinet from among their members.

However, the Democratic party has clarified that while the bill was presented by one of its members, it does not represent the party’s position or endorsement.

During a press conference in Kampala Kiirya Ismail, Acting Spokesperson for the Democratic Party, he expressed the party’s disapproval of the proposed legislation.

“We want to inform the general public that the bill was introduced by a DP MP, but it does not originate from the Democratic Party. We disassociate ourselves from this proposed legislation as it undermines the multiparty system we fought hard to establish,” Kiirya said.

Democratic Party argues that the bill suggests allowing opposition MPs to elect the L.O.P, potentially disrupting the balance where the government and opposition roles are distinctly managed. “The current system, as per the multiparty dispensation, allows the ruling party to choose the leader of government business, while the leader of opposition is chosen from the opposition party with the highest number of MPs.”

Kiirya expressed concerns that the bill could lead to greater fragmentation within opposition ranks. “There is a fear that such a system might result in accusations of government favoritism among opposition members, further deepening existing divisions.”

DP states that the proposed changes could diminish the influence of political parties over their MPs. “By allowing opposition MPs to elect the L.O.P without party endorsement, there might be a decline in respect and adherence to party principles, affecting other important parliamentary positions like party whips and commissioners.”

While acknowledging shortcomings in the current leadership of the Opposition, the Democratic Party emphasizes that their approach to policy is not based on individual grievances. Instead, they advocate for reforms that strengthen the role of political parties within the parliamentary framework.

Kiirya further proposed that the Administration of Parliamentary Act be amended to include provisions that reinforce party authority and ensure better alignment with party principles, including mechanisms to address deviations by appointed party officials.

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