Col. Katabazi Urges St. Paul’s Seminary Students to Pursue Discipline in Tribute Ceremony

Col. Emmy Katabazi, the Deputy Director of the Internal Security Organization (ISO), paid tribute to fallen comrades who were Old Boys (OBs) of St. Paul’s Seminary-Rushoroza in Kabale district.

These OBs had joined him in the struggle to defend the country. Col. Katabazi encouraged the students to maintain discipline and work hard to become good citizens of Uganda.

Col. Katabazi honored the deceased OBs who had fought alongside him to protect the nation. He quoted a letter from St. Paul, stating, “How can they believe when they have not understood the message? And how can they understand the message when there are no messengers?”

He emphasized to the students, “Don’t think about anything else; you came here to become a priest. But if you fail in that, become a good citizen.” He urged the students to be disciplined and intelligent to uphold a good reputation and representation.

“If you are advised to try elsewhere and you think you are disciplined, we shall welcome you,” Col. Katabazi added. He cited his own example and those of a few colleagues to stress the importance of hard work over technical know-how.

Col. Katabazi pledged ongoing support for the school, particularly in the field of Information Technology (IT).

St. Paul’s Seminary, with over 430 students, was celebrating St. Paul’s Day and fundraising for the construction of a storeyed building. This new structure will house the administration block, UNEB examination halls for both O and A-levels, and a science laboratory, costing over Ugx 1.5 billion.

The event commenced with a mass led by Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira, the Bishop of Kabale Diocese, and was presided over by the Minister of State for Finance, Planning, and Economic Development (General Duties), Henry Ariganyira Musasizi, on June 29, 2024.

Col. Katabazi made a significant contribution on behalf of his friends and fellow OBs towards the construction efforts. Minister Musasizi encouraged the audience to support President Museveni’s message of economic transformation to alleviate poverty through government programs like PDM and Emyooga.

Reinforcing Col. Katabazi’s message, Minister Musasizi stressed that the primary aim of the students is to become priests. He thanked the school leadership for the human and spiritual formation they are instilling in the students. He contributed Ugx 30 million, with Ugx 10 million in cash. The fundraising event raised over Ugx 97 million in cash.

Fr. Augustine Tumushime, the Rector, praised the Old Boys for their continued support and for motivating the current students with the values they had gained from the seminary. He mentioned plans to improve the computer laboratory by adding more computers and installing internet access.

“We plan to continue renovating our buildings, which have been around for over 50 years. Timely maintenance saves more work later. We aim to embark on this storeyed building project to improve the seminary’s standards, facilitate UNEB examinations, prioritize sciences, and provide adequate working space for our staff,” Fr. Tumushime stated.

Titus Niwamanya, representing the SPOBA President, explained that they chose to give back to the school because of the values and skills they acquired there. “We are who we are because of the discipline and Christian values instilled in us,” he noted. He added that SPOBA is an international association with several chapters and sub-chapters in Uganda and abroad, citing projects including funeral services and a SACCO.

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