UPDF officers have today 18 Feb 2019 started a five-day training in Civil-Military Coordination at the Uganda Rapid Deployment Capability Centre (URDCC) in Jinja.
In his brief remarks, while opening the course, the deputy Chief Civil-Military Cooperation Col Nelson Ahebwa congratulated the newly promoted officers upon the well-deserved promotion and also revealed that the recently concluded Tarehe Sita activities were the best ever conducted since 1986 and therefore congratulated all CIMIC officers who participated.
Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) is a unifying factor that builds a good relationship between the Army and the people, “This has been our culture in UPDF that has registered success,” he said.
He further said that war is not only won by combatants at the frontline but also through building a bond with the local people by identifying the problems faced in a particular area and help to solve them and hence the need to be innovative.
Col Nelson asked officers to be attentive and understand major concepts of CIMIC in order to enhance the UPDF’s already good and strategic relationship with wanainchi.
The course is conducted by United States experts in partnership with the UPDF and was offered by the US office of security cooperation in Kampala with the aim of training CIMIC operation planning and capacity development.