CAA Issues Guidelines for Entebbe Airport As Muslim Pilgrims Return

The Uganda Civil Aviation Authority (UCAA), responsible for managing Entebbe International Airport, has issued several guidelines for airport users in anticipation of a busy schedule as Muslim pilgrims begin returning home from today, Friday, June 21 to June 28, 2024.

In a notice dated June 20, 2024, and signed by CAA’s Public Affairs Manager, Luggya Vianney, departing passengers are advised to adhere to measures designed to manage the expected increase in airport traffic. One of the key recommendations is for passengers to report at least three hours ahead of their scheduled departure time to avoid missing their flights.

A special area in the VIP parking lot has been reserved, complete with tents, for meet-and-greet engagements between returning pilgrims and their families.

Additionally, CAA stipulates that only one vehicle will be permitted access to the airport to pick up each pilgrim. Other vehicles will be redirected to the playground opposite the Protea Hotel before the Aviation Police Checkpoint, where they can wait for the pilgrims.

The vehicle allowed access to the airport will receive a sticker from the pilgrim organizers, the Uganda Bureau of Haji Affairs.

This arrangement, according to CAA, is intended to reduce congestion within the airport, ensuring a better passenger experience for all users of the facility

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