Kyadondo East Member of Parliament is set to install a multi-billion hotel facility at his One Love beach in Busabala, Wakiso district along Lake Victoria.
According to a source within the People Power group, Bobi Wine has secured USD1m approximately Ugx 3690225000.00 from European wealthy funders in Scandinavian countries, Ugandans living in America and the United Kingdom.
It is reported that 98% of the money has been set aside for the project which is expected to be completed by 2023.
This has left a group of people power supporters unhappy with the revelation and are accusing Bobi Wine of running the pressure group like a sole business enterprise.
“Man, we don’t understand Bobi how he runs this thing, he is not accountable to anyone in People Power, whatever he collects no one asks for the accountability, and now we here he is going to build a resort at one love beach” She adds.
Another Strong People female supporter from Mityana says “I hoped I would use Bobi Wine’s political capital to get a free ride to woman MP in my district and possibly get some financial support but am not seeing anything yet my people think we have money”.
“Honorable flies out of the country several times for fundraising in Europe but in our meetings, we have not seen him telling us that this is how much I got in my last trip”.
This is how opportunists work… And it’s the beginning of exploitation. He is still broke and will surely take every single penny from all his supporters just to develop himself…
Source – Dailynews