By Josepha Jabo
In spite of several warnings from security agents, in a spirit of defiance, Bobi Wine has not relented from politicizing his music-concerts-turned-political-rallies, using them as platforms to make increasingly provocative, anti-government statements.
After the November 2018 Kyarenga Concert at his One Love Beach in Busabala, during which he uttered political statements; he did not meet all the guidelines given to him by police, therefore, he was not given clearance for his Boxing Day show.
Shortly thereafter, while speaking to journalists in Luganda, in a fit of anger Bobi Wine said, “He can’t stop the music. You can’t stop me Mr. President (Museveni) we are going to remove you from the chair (throne)!”
On whose authority?
Bobi Wine does not respect authority. He does not even revere Christian songs. As was pointed out by Pastor Gabriel Baaba (formerly Pastor Martin Ssempa of Makerere Community Church), Bobi Wine has now even gone as far as plagiarizing ‘Olutalo Nga Luwedde,’ –a beloved Balokole (Born-again Christian) hymn!
On December 31, 2018 during the ‘Enkuuka yo’Mwaka’ fête in Mengo, Bobi Wine released his latest song, ‘Tuliyambala Engule’ inserting his political agenda into the Christian song. If Bobi Wine is truly a gifted musician, why doesn’t he go to the studio and compose his own songs—instead of rejigging a song that clearly belongs to Christ?
Below is an extract from Pastor Gabriel Baaba (Martin Ssempa) January 1, 2019 statement on his Twitter account:
‘As a pastor, I am glad Bobi Wine is now singing a Balokole Revival song “Olutalo Nga Luwedde.” My problem is how he is changing the meaning or message of the song. What is the impact of turning a gospel worship song into a political party song? The song talks about a believer’s good fight as a pilgrim headed for Heaven—the biblical “New Jerusalem.” Now Bobi Wine tells us that the New Jerusalem is NOT Heaven but when he becomes Uganda’s president!! He holds himself as the future Messiah who replaces Jesus! The crown of glory talked about, is the victor’s crown given by God to those who overcome. Bobi Wine says it is the crown every Ugandan will get when he is president! …The battle or ‘Olutalo’ is a Balokole song of battling against the Satan and his demonic minions of the world. Bobi Wine says it is now his battles with Uganda Police’s teargas at his rallies. Our battle is firstly spiritual, then rewards will be given to the victor by God. This song was composed and is owned by our Balokole. The politicization of our sacred worship songs is NOT good.’
In the ‘Tuliyambala Engule’ music video, Pastor Wilson Bugembe appears singing towards the end of the song. Even so, a pastor’s collaboration, in this song does not legitimize the plagiarism. Incidentally, Pastor Wilson Bugembe began a ‘Celebrity Sunday’ church service in 2015, to attract Ugandan celebrities to Light the World Church. Bobi Wine was one of the ‘celebrities’ who responded to his call, and he was even given the opportunity by Pastor Wilson Bugembe to preach in his church from the pulpit. But why should a pastor hold a church service to honour celebrities, when Christians are supposed to go to church to honour God? Expressing remorse for collaborating in ‘Tuliyambala Engule’, Pastor Wilson Bugembe said in a January 6, 2019 interview with NTV that, ‘If I was to do it all over again, I’d be like ‘no.’’
In the Luganda song, whose music video has English subtitles, Bobi Wine first appears in a choirmaster’s robe directing a choir before changing into his trademark white attire and militant red beret. Some of the lyrics are:
‘When the struggle is over, we shall wear the victor’s crown, we shall walk with swag in a new Uganda!
Walk with swag?
It continues.
‘All power in the hands of the people, that’s the Promised Land…(then Bobi Wine politicizes it by singing) and when People Power wins, we shall wear the victor’s crown.’
‘Honourable’ Robert Kyagulanyi is in grave error, when he attempts to equate his prone-to-violence ‘People Power’ movement to noble causes such as the 1960s civil rights movement and now even more outrageously—Christianity. Really?
The former, ‘Bad Man From Kamwokya’ singer has a long history of reinventing himself. Now, through these rejigged lyrics, he has reinvented himself as a self-styled Messiah.
Don’t fall for it.
Only Jesus saves.
Jesus forewarned about False Messiahs (both Messiah (Hebrew) and Christ (Greek/Latin) mean ‘Anointed One’) when he said, ‘“Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand.”’ Matthew 24:23-25 (NKJV)
Bobi Wine is no Messiah.
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