Archbishop COU Kaziimba Against Imposing Tuition Regulations in Schools

The Most Reverend Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu, Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, has cautioned the government against imposing tuition regulations without consulting foundational bodies.

His remarks come in response to recent directives from the Ministry of Education and Sports, which threatened school closures for institutions not adhering to government-set fee guidelines.

At the annual thanksgiving and farewell ceremony for Dr. Charles Kahigiriza, Headteacher of Ndejje Secondary School in Luwero district, Archbishop Kaziimba emphasized the importance of collaborative decision-making in educational policy.

He argued that while the government has outlined a list of 12 banned items, including development fees and contributions to the Board of Governors and Parents Teachers Association, it lacks the authority to unilaterally dictate fee structures in government-aided schools without consulting foundational bodies.

Kaziimba highlighted the financial challenges faced by government-aided schools, particularly those deprived of infrastructure development funding. He pointed out that many institutions have relied on supplementary fees to sustain operations and facilitate growth. Expressing concern over the potential consequences of eliminating such fees, the Archbishop questioned how schools would manage without them.

While acknowledging the church’s stance against excessive charges levied by some government-aided schools, Kaziimba stressed the importance of dialogue with foundational bodies to establish reasonable and affordable fee structures. He advocated for a balanced approach that addresses both the financial needs of schools and the concerns of parents and students.


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