The Deputy Attorney General, Mwesigwa Rukutana was early Wednesday kicked out of the Land Commission for allegedly disrespecting and failing to provide clarity on how Government arrived at the Shs24billion meant to compensate Dr Muhammad Kasasa over a piece of land in Mutungo.
In a heated exchange, Rukutana told Justice Catherin Bamugemereire that “If you disrespect me I disrespect you”
forcing Bamugemereire to send Rukutana out of the interview hall.
Bamugemereire said she wanted guidance from Rukutana adding that he had shown disrespect by ignoring questions from the commission lead counsel.
She then said she would refer the matter to President Museveni for further management.
However, Rukutana told journalists after being sent out of the commission of inquiry session that all they wanted was a headline showing that the AG had been kicked out of the commission.
“So what? they can go and hang!” said the AG as he approached his waiting car. He can take it (the case) even to God, I don’t give a damn,” he added as he left the venue.
Rukutana was appearing before the commission to clarify on how government cleared payment in land compensation to one Dr Muhamed Buwule Kasasa.
Rukutana’s responses to the commission, however, were found to be disrespectful by the Justice Bamugemereire, who immediately told him off.
“Can you please answer to our counsel with the decorum expected?” Bamugemereire demanded.
Rukutana responded, “Well, if you find my manner or mode of presentation lacking… I am trying to answer the questions as posed and I will maintain that stance… my position is very clear; as long as I am respected I will be respectful. If I am not respected I will not respect anybody”.
This angered the Commission chairperson, who stopped the session and ordered the AG to “get out of here.”