Chapter Four, GLiSS and 52 Other NGOs Suspended

The government has announced on Friday it had halted the activities of 54 non-governmental organisations.

One of the groups affected is Nicholas Opiyo’s Chapter Four.

The National Bureau for NGOs, part of the ministry of internal affairs, said in a statement the shutdown was ordered “with immediate effect”.

It said the decision was made because the groups had failed to comply with legislation covering their activities, including operating with expired permits, failing to file accounts or failing to register with the authorities.

Chapter Four executive director Nicholas Opiyo confirmed his group had received the government’s order to close and described the situation as “serious”.

List of suspended NGOs

1. Africa Institute for Energy Governance (AFIEGO)

2. Western Ankole Civil Society Forum (WACSOF)

3. Citizens’ Concerns Africa

4. Elohim Power Transforming Africa

5. Orone Foundation

6. Light Concepts

7. Public Policy Institute

8. Otubet Youth United Development Organization

9. Support Girl Child Uganda

10. Saints Preparation Ministries

11. Adoration Ministries

12.Islamic Da-awah and Orphanage Foundation

13. Jesus Shines Youth Ministries International

14.La Borne Missionary Centre Uganda

15. Wanyange Child Support Foundation

16.St. Francis Foundation for the Poor

17. Ray of Hope International Uganda

18. Mindset Change Development Organisation

19. Liberty International Foundation

20. Foundation for Women Empowerment for Sickler Aid

21. Karambi Action for Life Improvement

22. Tech Plus Love Foundation

23. Centre for Justice Studies and Innovations

24. Chapter Four Uganda 2016- 2020

25. Citizens’ Coalition for Electoral Democracy in Uganda (CCEDU) 2019-2020

26. Femrite Uganda Women Writers’ Association 2017- 2020

27. African Humanitarian Action 2017 – 2020

28. Safe Places Uganda Foundation (SPU) 2017- 2020

29. Citizens Platform for Democracy and Accountability 2017- 2020

30. Growth Networks Uganda 2017- 2020

31. Pallisa Civil Society Organisation Networks 2017- 2020

32. Citizens Election Watch-IT (CEW-I1) 2017, 2019, 2020

33. Youth Line Forum Uganda 2017- 2020

34. Arise Africa International 2018-2020

35. Dotwa Africa 2018-2020

36. Rwenzori Consortium for Civic Competence 2018-2020

37. Centre for Conflict Resolution 2019 – 2020

38. Youth Equality Centre 2019-2020

39. Great Lakes Institute for Strategic Studies (GLISS)

40. Rural Action Community Based Organization

41. Uganda Help Florida

42. Centre for Sustainability Innovation and Research

43. Environmental Governance Institute Uganda

44. Graffen Organization, Butimba Uganda

45. Kwataniza Women’s Organization

46. Twimukye Women’s Organization

47. Witness Radio Uganda

48. Youth for Green Communities

49. Self-worth Initiative

50. VZW Eight

51. Adepr Pentecostal International Church Uganda Ltd

52. Innovations for Democratic Engagement and Action (IDEA)

53. Network for Active Citizens

54. Leadership Square Africa

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