NUP Hooligans Attack KCCA PRO Robert Kalumba in Owino Market

 National Unity Platform  (NUP) supporters in Owino Market have attacked and beaten Kampala Capital City Authority spokesman Robert Kalumba for wearing a KCCA shirt.

Kalumba who is a friendly and usually jolly figure was in the company of other KCCA workers going about his duties.

Had it not been for the quick response by the area police, the KCCA Public Relations Officer would have been lynched to death by the NUP thugs who have made it a habit to attack anyone suspected to be opposed to Robert Kyagulanyi’s candidature.

This is not the first time NUP supporters are attacking innocent Ugandans. Last week, during the presidential nominations the same group pelted stones at motorcycle riders donning yellow t-shirts with President Museveni’s portrait.


Neither Bobi Wine nor any NUP leader came out to condemn the unbecoming behavior.

President Museveni has in the past warned against the use of violence by opposition elements to intimidate NRM supporters.

“Don’t intimidate people. People were being attacked and one of our girls near Kiseka market was beaten. Those who beat her will have to pay. You have absolutely no right to attack me for wanting to vote. We shall deal with those idiots. People are playing around too much. You have no right absolutely to speak to me rudely. I am in my country, in my house, doing my work and besides my right. You have no right to attack me,” the president said.

“We are going to crash those criminals. You have no right to bark at me. What have I done (to warrant barking)?”


In 2017, Mr. Museveni reminded the hooligans intimidating peaceful Ugandans the NRM is the master of disciplined and purposeful violence.

“I want to warn all those who are threatening people, akabwa akasiru kayigga enjovu [a foolish dog hunts an elephant]… to think that you can threaten NRM, and you use violence, yet NRM is the master of violence but our violence is disciplined and purposeful,” a tough-talking Museveni said.

“I will really want to advise anybody who has got illusions that he can use violence and shut up [our people]; we shall not waste time,” Museveni said then.

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