Museveni Hails Mwalimu Nyerere at Magufuli Inauguration

President Museveni was in Tanzania’s capital Dodoma yesterday to witness the swearing-in of Mr. John Pombe Magufuli who assumed his second term in office.

The event was attended by a multitude of Tanzanians, a rare occurrence in times when the world has instituted limitations on public gatherings due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Speaking at the event, Mr Museveni congratulated Tanzanians for achieving the lower middle-income status. Although the status eluded Uganda, the Ugandan leader said his country is still on the right track to achieving the same.

He also hailed Tanzania ruling party CCM for its ideology that promotes pan Africanism, unity, and strategic security.

“For Africa to benefit, we should follow the ideological orientation of the politics of CCM. I have been a follower of Mwalimu Nyerere for 57 years and I have no apologies for anybody. Our ideals have been to liberate Africa, and that is why you are seeing all these leaders here and this is the struggle of the pan Africanists,” Mr Museveni said.
He also called on his counterpart to open up the Tanzanian market to Ugandan products.

“Production has increased, we have enough sugar and I ask President Magufuli to assist me on sugar, maize, milk and bananas because the internal market is not enough and through that, we are going to promote the East African regional market and the continental market,” Mr Museveni said.

The Ugandan leader, who was among the very few donning a face mask, was joined by Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa. Among other dignitaries present was former Tanzanian president Jakaya Kikwete and Burundi Premier Alaine Bunyoni.

Mr Magufuli urged national unity and promised to work for all Tanzanians, after taking the oath of office and waving a ceremonial spear and shield before the crowd.

“Elections are now over,” he said, repeating the line twice.

“The biggest and most important task ahead for us all is to build the nation together. I assure Tanzanians that I will honour the oath, and implement what we promised to build the nation. I will work with you all.”

Mr Magufuli received 12.5 million votes representing 85 per cent of the total votes polled, while his main challenger, Chadema’s Tundu Lissu got 1.9 million or 13 per cent, the electoral commission said.

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