Mwesigwa Rukutana to Sleep in Jail Till September 15

The State Minister for Labour Mr. Mwesigwa Rukutana has been denied bail and remanded to Kitalya Prison in Mityana District on seven counts including attempted murder.

The 61-year-old former deputy attorney general was charged with seven offenses including attempted murder, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, threatening violence and malicious damage, among others.

Several people including local politicians, Members of Parliament, his supporters and family members attended court with the hope that Mr Rukutana would be released on bail.

The minister and his three escorts were arrested on Saturday following a shooting incident in Ruhama, Ntungamo district in which one person was seriously injured and a motor vehicle damaged.

Yesterday, President Museveni condemned the brutality in the recently concluded NRM primaries in which  State Minister for Labour Mwesigwa Rukutana was involved in the shooting incident.

While posting on his official twitter handle, Museveni says that all those who beat people are in jail.

The president in his message said that Minister Rukutana and revealed that he would answer for his actions.

“The cheating in the NRM Primaries is over. Those who beat People, like in Bukono, are all in jail or on the run. Minister Rukutana is in jail and will be prosecuted. They will be fully accountable with robust charges: assault, attempted murder, murder etc,” he said.

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