Uganda’s Coronavirus Cases Jump to 30

The confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) patients in Uganda more than doubled within two days after hitting the 30 mark on Saturday.
On Friday, the confirmed cases moved from 14 to 18, before jumping to 23.
On Saturday night, the Ministry of Health in a tweet announced that the confirmed cases had reached 30.
However, the ministry did not give details of the travel history of the latest seven patients.
“To date a total of 1,175 cases are under follow up; 876 of these are under institutional quarantine while 299 are under self-quarantine. A total of 1,596 high risk travellers have completed their 14 days of follow-up and have been issued with certificates of completion of the mandatory quarantine,” the ministry said in a statement hours before announcing the seven cases.
Earlier in the day, President Museveni said although the figures were increasing, he was happy to see that the majority of the people who returned from Dubai and other places (227) were negative.
“Nevertheless, the medical teams will trace all the contacts and check on them. We may have to take additional drastic measures,” the President said in a tweet.
President Museveni has since banned public transport and stopped the sale of non-food items in markets in a bid to halt the spread of the virus.
The President also banned both incoming and outgoing travel as well as suspending all passenger flights, save for emergency and cargo ones. Cargo trucks, not carrying more than three passengers are also free to move.
Meanwhile, President Museveni has urged Ugandans especially those in the agricultural sector to continue producing in order to ensure food security.
“While we continue to struggle with the virus, production in agriculture and industry must continue. Otherwise, we shall end up with no food and no factory products,” Mr Museveni tweeted Sunday morning.

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