President drums up support for Hoima District Woman MP slot

President Yoweri Museveni, who is also NRM National Chairperson, yesterday began a two-day by-election campaign canvasing votes for the NRM flag bearer for Hoima District Woman Member of Parliament Businge Harriet Mugenyi Akiiki and called upon the electorate to vote for the NRM candidate to reciprocate government’s socio-economic and political achievements made in the area.

“Roads have been constructed to connect Bunyoro Sub-Region to other parts of the country. Electricity has been connected to 10 Sub-Counties of Hoima district except Kyabigambire County, which will soon be connected also; education and health sectors have been fully supported,” he said.

He also added that government is building Kabaale International Airport with a five-kilometre run-way in Bunyoro and said that it is an equivalent of Entebbe Airport.

“The government has managed to record its achievements because it focused first on national economic recovery. Secondly, the restoration of peace and stability, and general infrastructure in the country”, he said.

Businge Harriet is tussling out for the Hoima District Woman Seat with the opposition contender, Asinansi Nyakato, of FDC.

Hoima District Woman MP seat fell vacant after its former Woman MP, Tophace Kaahwa Byagira, decided to move to represent the newly created District of Kikuube as Woman MP.

Addressing rally at Kabaale Public Primary School in Kabaale Sub-County in Bugahya County today in the afternoon, the President reaffirmed to the people of the area that other developments, such as the discovery of oil deposits in Bunyoro Sub-Region, is attributed to the peaceful environment and NRM’s zeal for national development.

He said that Uganda is hosting a refugee influx from the neighbouring countries because of a peaceful political atmosphere that was ushered in by the NRM. He, therefore, urged the people of Uganda to guard peace jealously.

He used the occasion to assure tobacco farmers in the Bunyoto Sub-Region that Government is going to compensate them following the loss they incurred after selling their tobacco produce, worth Shs.36 billion, to a Kenyan Company   called Continental that had collapsed.

He thanked the people of Bunyoro Sub-Region for voting NRM in every election in the past. He advised them to vote the NRM flag bearer, Businge Harriet Mugenyi, to represent Hoima District in Parliament as Woman MP come Thursday 26th September 2019. He further commended NRM women contenders who had been in the race together with Businge Harriet Mugenyi for stepping down in her favour to foster and consolidate NRM’s support in the race for the District MP slot. As he travelled in the area, he also made a stop at Buseruka Trading Centre and thanked residents for being economically focused.

The NRM Vice Chairperson for Western Region, Matayo Kyaligonza commended President Museveni for ably steering the country’s politics saying this has garnered more strength to the Movement.

Later, President Museveni addressed another campaign rally at Kigorobya Muslim Primary School in Kigorobya County.

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