I won’t leave power soon – Museveni

President Museveni has said that he would have retired long ago, but Africa and Uganda still have so many challenges that he needs to confront.

Responding to questions on his social media platforms, the president, who is in Japan, said that he won’t leave power soon because there are a number of problems that need his attention.

He wrote: “I would have retired long ago if I was sure that the crucial actors saw the danger that Africa has been in ever since 1453 when the Turks captured Constantinopole, blocked the silk road for the Europeans and forced them to come to Africa on their way to the East. One of the strategic bottlenecks is market and political fragmentation. The medicine for this is economic and political integration. The medicine for market fragmentation and political balkanization is economic integration like the EAC and also political integration (East African Federation or Confederation). Why don’t political actors, if they really care about Africa, talk about these issues in addition to talking about Museveni’s retirement?”

The president’s full letter

Fellow Ugandans and, Particularly, the Bazzukulu.

Greetings, again. I thank all the people that read my message and those who responded. My last message was on the 16th of August 2019. First of all, I want to appreciate the following people: Twesigye Dalaus; Engineer Kennedy Amon; Ibambalam; Falisco Ayom Madut Pakak; Ssebunya Shafique; Freud Lama; Tugume Hapi; Kayiwa (@Kayiwa85802119); Aine Derrick; Edgar Kassujja; Aine Derrick, again; Matic Lubega; Village Boy- Juma; Businge Robert; Julie Mirembe; Meregulwa Moses; Musoke Nyanja; Moses Tokwiny; Godfrey Ahimbisibwe; Muwanga Moses; Edm Nakasala; Kateizi Deo; Andrew Kibuuka; John Canary Walimbwa; George Ongom; Tonny Okello; Robert Rwase; Ben Da Don; Robert Bugembe; Mwaka Simon Peter; Mukhala Leonard; Robert Tukamuhaabwa; Ratibu Abdul; Tumwebaze Alex; Jimmy Alemiga; Manzi George; Nyende Ronald; Kambasu Obed; Almeida Nikolai; Ron Azinga; Kushaba Vincent; Kesh Sekandi; Farouk Goobi; Ojwang Zach; Mwesigye Ivan; Angel Jaspa; Irad; Napokoli Cletus; Atwijukire Senior; Kabiito Kato;, Samuel Busingye; Eunice Nanziri; Audax Muperasoka; Muhereza Dan; Oquals Jr Peter; Opolot Patrick; Twongyeirwe Daniel; Dennis Naika; Kamuntu John; Vincent Adriko;, Becky Sanger; Pataki Pataki; Emmanuel Odeke; Okamo Emar; Ochen Tonny; Komugisha Nick; Mushabe Dennis; Kalyowa Atanansi; Maria de la Rosa; Wilberforce Masay; Vincent Mutaawe; GNz Stewart; Phinias Biseko; Sam Kutesa; Hashim Kinz; Ssempala Ahmed; Segawa; Keine Rwamafa; Spider web; Gad Ruzaaza; lgga Kigongo; Raymond Sembatya; Abu Tahir; Mufasa; Kayiwa; Denis Rujagu; Rugoosi; Pamela Ankunda; Hamza- Zalema; Wabinyai Fidel; Twala Laban; Desmond Ayesigwa; Kabagambe Balirora;

Godfrey Begumisa; Innocent Mwijukye; Bigdog; Bagaine Aidan; Richard Lusimbo; Peter Jr; kisala Pius; Amanya Edmund; Irad; etc etc

I appreciate their support and understanding. With Rhetoric Babe (Emerald’s mum @Ritahntaori), I am sorry I did not see your name. Sober Muzzukulu (@stevekizire), that message was not Don Wanyama “kuzanyira kumitwe gy’abantu”. It was the old man, himself. When necessary, I will directly come in to challenge wrong ideas, or, to emphasize the right ideas.  Ideas are the compass of progress.

Shinil Abubaker (@shinil_abubaker) appreciates but says that the people I gave power misuse it and that “I am aware”. Abubaker, where I am aware, I take action. Inform IGG or Nakalema and they will act. Besides, Abubaker, ever since the NRM came to power in 1986, we arranged for people to elect their leaders – Councillors, mayors, LC-5 Chairpersons, MPs etc. These should be able to address those Local problems. If they are not doing it, challenge them. With clear evidence of wrong- doing, there is no official that cannot be held accountable.

Edgar Kasujja (@KASUJJAEDGAR) appreciates but challenges Ugandans to be patriotic. There are Patriotic Ugandans. I led some in the wars of Resistance. What do you think those thousands were fighting for? Were they being paid? Many died in those wars. What was motivating them? Patriotism. It is also true that there are many unpatriotic people. Let the Patriots identify one another and coalesce.

Village Boy Juma did well to advise the youth to be serious and disciplined and use the available opportunities. In our case, as youth, we did not have many opportunities to use. Instead, we had many dangers to face and we faced them, but also used the few opportunities. When we carried out the anti – nomadism campaign, it was during the UPC time- 1967-70.
Meregulwa Moses wants us to emphasize IT because many of the youth are poor; they do not have capital for farming. In my recent message, I concentrated on Agriculture because I was focussing on the 68% portion of the households that work only for the stomach (tic me cam Keken). Otherwise, in all my writings, I always talk of the four sectors: Commercial Agriculture; Industry (factories); Services (banks, hotels, tourism, transport etc); and ICT (such as BPO). Ours, has always been a multi-sectoral approach. That is why point no.5 in the NRM programme was to; “build an independent, Integrated, and self – Sustaining economy”. What would be “integrated”? The different sectors already mentioned.

Muwanga Moses, thanks me for clarifying and is considering voting for me for the first time. Your comments challenge the NRM leaders to be more persuasive. Our track record is unrivalled. They have a heritage that they should be proud of and that they should share with the others. I thank Moses for considering joining the Revolution.

Edm Nakasala is worried about my “worryingly old people”. Nakasala, I also have young people, even in the cabinet- Evelyn Anite, Namuganza, Kibuule, Galabuzi etc. This is not to talk of the other levels of Gov’t. There are youth MPs, youth councillors etc. When we talk of youth, do not think of biology, think of ideology- what to do and how. A correctly oriented youth is what Africa needs. You can be young biologically but have old ideas, or you can be old but have young (new) ideas.

That is what we did when we were young. That is how we were able to confront very serious Problems.

Andrew Kibuuka is happy with my 5-4 acres model of agriculture. Precisely, with only 4 acres, you can earn more than sh.100 million from coffee, fruits, dairy farming, poultry rearing, pig rearing and fish farming. I have four fish ponds at Kawumu in half- an acre of land, but my people earn Sh. 64million in a year.

John Canary Walimbwa is appreciative but points out, rightly, that in Mbale most youth are: landless, propertyless and the leaders they elect do not care about development. That was exactly our disagreement with the leaders of both UPC and DP in the 1960s. It says in the book of Galatians 6:7 that “Whatever a man sows, that is what he reaps”. Mbale, Kabaale, the Rwenzori etc, are some of the most fertile portions of the whole globe, with cold, pleasant climate. Yet, those very areas and many others have now been disabled by bad human settlement – land fragmentation etc- to the extent that the youth of the area are now in that predicament. Yet, in the 1960s, we started pointing out these issues. Granted, Amin came in and disrupted any intelligent debate. That is why we had to change strategy from engagement to confrontation. Nevertheless, ever since the NRM restored an atmosphere of discussion, debate and peace in 1986, many of the leaders never bother to address the destiny of the ordinary people. Many actors never bother with what the people eat, how they earn good incomes, how inheritance is done to ensure sustainable prosperity etc. etc. Instead, they only talk about power. In the State of the Nation address, I pointed out that when I started sensitizing the people of North Ankole about the similar issues of food security, income security, inheriting without destroying, education, health etc, I was in the opposition DP. I could not wait for DP to come in power before I start telling my relatives, my community and any people that I could access about their livelihood and destiny. If I did that, I would be their enemy. It is not yet too late. We have seen the consequences of sterile or, even, poisonous politics. Let us now go for people saving politics. I, therefore, welcome Walimbwa’s advice to the Youth on: frugality; avoiding alcoholism and promiscuity; studying society; rejecting sectarianism; and being altruistic and helping others. There is alot of money in the society that is squandered. How do I know this? I am told the consumption of beer in Uganda is 9.5 litres per capita, according to World Health Organization. Is this beer donated or is it paid for? This is equal to Sh. 31.71bn in 2017 according to Uganda Revenue Authority.

The spirits consumed per annum are 26.0 litres per capita. This is equal to Sh.28.28bn in 2017. This does not include the local brews like Kwete, enguli etc. The parish of Rwengaaju, just relying on their own savings, now have Saccos of sh. 324 million and 2,045 homesteads (amaka) are now engaged in food security and income generation. Their landholding is only one acre per homestead, but they have gone for the enterprises of poultry farming, piggery and dairy. They just listened to my message of 2008. Moreover, wealth and jobs are not only in Agriculture. I have told you repeatedly of the other 3 Sectors: Industry, Services and ICT. In developed countries, the majority of people are in Industry, Services and ICT.

The figures in the USA are

Agriculture- 1.3%

Industry – 8.7%

Services- 89.7

Public service – 14.5%

The figures for the U. K are:

Agriculture -1.5%

Industry -11%

Services – 83%

Public service -16.5%

The public service in the USA is big because they have a big army. In Uganda, the families benefitting from the Public Service are only 5% of the total population.

Okweny George Ongom’s complaint about the soils of Alebtong is noted. By copy of this message, I am directing Nakyobe to get Prof. Zaake to go to Alebtong and find out about the soils. Where in Alebtong? Why doesn’t the district Agricultural Officer handle this?

Tonny Okello is” a bit impressed” with my answers. He, however, says that it is not me who is answering. Hence, here I am, Yoweri Museveni. Kopango Tonny. Tie maber? Apoyo, Rubanga.

Dr. Ruth Achieng, please, heed Okello’s issue with the Emergency Dept of Mulago.

Robert Rwase seems to have an idea. He says;”No staff knows those details”. My staff need to enhance their reputation. The duty of the staff is to amplify the idea of the NRM.

Mwaka Simon Peter thought that I would not have time to answer all those questions. It is, of course, true that I am hard-pressed for time. However, the issue of the socio-economic stagnation of the 68% of our households and their eventual deterioration with the deaths of the heads of families, has gone on for so long. Our direct advice to the population ever since 1995 notwithstanding, I have now resolved not only to work through emissaries [MPs, Chairmen, Councillors etc), but to also use all direct channels to the population. Social – media adresses those with smart phones who are 8million in number. Thanks for joining me for 2021. I did not get well what Lisha sophy said.

Mukhala Leonard advised me on encouraging co-operatives. I agree. Co-operatives are now easier to run than in the past because of the higher literacy rate of 77%, thanks to Boona Basome of the NRM (Education for all). Without education for all, the few educated persons in the co-operatives were cheating the majority uneducated ones.

Robert Tukamuhaabwa is right. The parish model has already been adopted by the NRM CEC and, more recently, the cabinet. The myooga (specialized trades) branches will be at the Parish.

Tumwebaze Alex is right. You can create jobs and also employ yourself instead of looking for jobs, especially Gov’t jobs which are only 480,000 for a population of 41 million.

I am happy Jimmy Alemiga is happy with my engagement with the people and has used the social media channel to inform me that jobs are only given in exchange for bribes. Inform Nakalema on telephone numbers 0800202500 and 0778202500 (you can send whatsapp messages on this one), for the details.

Find a way of capturing evidence on such Kawukumi (bean weevils) and we eradicate them. They would go to jail. Use your MPs and councillors to fight this simple problem. Also inform the RDCs. The latter are appointed by myself. If you show evidence that they are covering up bribery, I will act on them.

Manzi George, cassava is a good crop for food but also for starch for pharmaceuticals. It is within some of our target crops. What did the Nigerians do?

Kambasu Obed appreciated my efforts to educate Ugandans. However, he informed me that “a vast majority cannot even afford two meals a day”! Yet, I am “mocking” those who “only work for the stomach”. Yes, I criticize those who use the land they have to only work for the stomach because if they commercialize the use of their land, they will create jobs on those small farms, they will produce bigger volumes of raw – materials to feed the factories which will create more jobs, they will have a higher purchasing power on account of having more money in their pockets and will buy more from the shops which will have more jobs, they will pay more direct and indirect taxes which helps the Gov’t to provide better services, etc. etc. The under-utilization of their land is responsible, to a large extent, for shortage of jobs and, therefore, for some people not having 2 meals a day. Mr.Richard Nyakaana of Rwengaaju parish in Kabarole, now employs 15 people on his small farm of 1 acre after he woke up from the sleep of only working for the stomach, following my 2008 sensitization campaign in that area.

The families with land bigger than half an acre, according to the 2014 census, were 4,424,897. This is not a small number. If they used their land well, we would be far.

The average landholding in Acholi, I was told, was 7 acres per household. My water bottle technique worked at Kawumu. I planted my coffee and other crops in the month of October in the year 2016. There are 65,000 boreholes in the whole of Uganda. You and the Local leaders should ensure that they are in working condition. We are persuading people to leave the wetlands. That is where water for irrigation is, whether we use the bottle or more advanced techniques.

The water bottle technique works, especially for the perennial crops because you put the bottle near the kikolo (the cluster of a plant or roots). The size of population is not the problem. In 1810, the UK was only 10 million people. A priest, the Reverend Alfred Malthus, started crying about “too many people”. He said the population was increasing “geometrically”, while food production was increasing “arithmetically”. I think he wanted to enforce sterilization etc. The present population of the U.K is 70 million and much more affluent than that of 1810. What happened? Modernization.

The four sectors: Commercial Agriculture, Industries, Services and ICT. That is what I am talking about. Moreover, educated, middle class women have no time or inclination for having too many Children. The fertility rate will fall as a consequence Of Socio- economic transformation, not as a result of NGOism.

Almeida Nikolai appreciated but wanted me to work on the communalism of land in Northern Uganda. People’s thinking on that will change. Up to 1961, people in Ankole were still believing in communal land holding. That is how a colonial Lands minister, Zakariya Mungooya, had made himself quite unpopular with ebyaapa (land titles), in 1955. However, by 1961 (and certainly by 1966 when I got directly involved), advocating for communalism had been totally discredited. Huge farms are coming up in Nwoya, Atiak, etc. Those who prefer to keep in darkness, will be exposed. It is difficult for the Bantu to settle in Northern Uganda, Almeida says. Why did I force the Baraaro out of Northern Uganda, yet they had settled there lawfully?

First of all, I do not believe in transferring backwardness from one part of the country to the other part. Those Baraaro were not going to do modern farming in Northern Uganda. They were just roaming in the old primitive way. Secondly, because the lands they were renting from some of the locals were not fenced, their cattle would trample on the neighbours’ crops (okwonesa).

Ron Azinga, still believing that it was my Digital Team that authored the recent messages, all the same thanked me for the “tremendous improvement” in all areas. He wants Kenyan pupils, who will be visiting Uganda, to call on me. Let my staff organize. I will be happy to meet them.

Mushabe Vincent, in addition to appreciating, advised on irrigation. That is exactly what we are going to do.We have already started with the following irrigation schemes: Mobuku, Doho, Agoro, Olweny, Wadelai, Ngenge, Pabbo, Namalu, Biiso etc.

Kesh Sekandi has worked in the mining sector, in the ICT section. That is good. It is not only Agriculture that we are concentrating on. Even mining, which is part of Industry, is another sector for jobs and wealth as I have already pointed out above.

Farouk Goobi is worried about sex education for children in P3. I agree. The children should be sensitized about sex when they approach puberty (okushogoya). Not before. That is Buyayism (lumpen culture) that has developed in some cultures.

Mwesigye lvan is, again, complaining about corruption in giving jobs. This is easy to stop. If you see anybody asking for bribes, quietly ring Nakalema and we lay traps for them. Even in the private sector, such corruption is a crime.

Angel Jaspa, loves the Old man omu bwati (poverty) or in adversity, “until death do us part “. Long live Angel. Olio otye? Webale munno. Webale ohulomaloma Lusamia.

Mawanda Peter, says that Museveni is always promising “heaven on Earth”. “What happened to the Bombo beef project?, Mawanda asks. First of all, Museveni only promises and delivers “earthly things on earth” which involve toil and sweat. It is only in Heaven where people are said not to sweat and toil. Similarly, the Bombo beef project is a good project; but, as all Earthly things go since Adam was ejected from the Garden of Eden (Genesis: 22:24), we must toil and sweat

Uganda had only 3 million cattle by 1986, having dropped from 7 million in 1967 on account of the instability. Uganda now has 14 million heads of cattle. The Bombo project needs only 400 cattle per day which comes to 146,000 cattle per year. We normally sell 20% of a herd per annumm so as not to interfere with the reproductive capacity of the herd. 20% of 14 million, is 2.8 million cattle. Therefore, Uganda can slaughter 2.8 million cattle per year and the national herd will continue increasing. Therefore, supplying Bombo with 146,000 cattle per year is a mere walk-over. The problem, however, is that the cattle sellers and buyers are scattered. Some sell one cow, per one market day, per month. The bigger ones like myself, may sell 2000 cattle per year. This means that Museveni may support that factory for only 5 days out of the 365 days. We, therefore, need some business people to concentrate on fattening cattle, not for the scattered Kampala Abattoirs, but for Industrial scale. If you use my figure of 2,000 per annum that I can supply from my farm, then you need just 73 farmers to supply that factory. Many of them do not actually have to be farmers. They can just be business people, just concentrating on buying young bulls (weaners) at say Sh. 500,000 each, fattening them for maybe 9 months and, then, selling them at maybe sh. 1m or thereabout to the factory.

The 2,000 cattle I now sell per year, are based on the present regime of my farms of free-range (cattle going out to graze- Kusetura). When we go Industrial, I can supply about 15,240 to the factory per year. In that case, you need only10 people to supply that factory. In fact, the present National herd of14 million cattle could support about 10 factories of the Bombo type and spare about 1.4 million cattle for the small Kampala Abbattoirs. It is not the numbers that are lacking. It is the organization. We need large scale concentration of the factory raw materials. The National herd will expand to more than 20million with our zero-grazing efforts for small holders.

David Ezati is worried about the grass where I was standing. The luganda proverb says: “Silya omulabira Ku mubiri” (the one who says that he does not eat, you know him according to how emaciated or not he is). Did the cattle in the pictures look emaciated? Certainly, not the majority of the herds: Abarema, Abayoonjo, Emikuuto, Eminyeeto, Amagoba etc. The farms, at a great expense, have been weeded (bush- clearing) as you can see from the pictures. We still have the problem of egaashe (sporaborus) which is an aggressive and non- nutritious grass. Otherwise, the other grasses, are nutritiouss: Orunyankokoole (Chrolis guyana), Obuteera-nte (Panicum maxima and panicum minima), Ejubwe (brachiaria) etc.

Emburara (hyperrhenia rufa), is not so nutritious but it is better than eyoojwa (Rhodenta Kagerensis) or the evil agaashe. Therefore, the farmers in the cattle corridor must be congratulated. They have bush- cleared, including eradicating the evil omuteete (my toothpaste grass- Afronadus cymbopogan) and ekihuukyi (Camara lantana).What I am aiming at is to persuade them to go from free-range to zero-grazing and industrial farming. Where I was standing, the grass was quite suppressed because it is the ekikumiriro (the holding ground near the watering point). The grass at the kikumiriro is usually suppressed because the cows relax (kuzaagira) there. I had not seen the messages of Elvis Sebwaye, Martin Byamukama and OK Geoffrey. I thank them.

OK Geofrey wants me to give him sh.20 million for her debt of land purchase. Of course, I have the Sh. 20 million. However, giving money on social- media will start something that is not sustainable

We are about to launch the Saccos for the myoogas. Use that channel. You, actually, do not need the20 acres for the beginning. My model is the 4 acres.

Napokoli Cletus suggests how the huge money in OWC, the women fund, the youth fund, the micro-finance could be better channeled. It is alot of money. Each year, the four funds use sh437.2 bn.

Atwijukire Senior, says the youth groups are formed only to rob money from me. Suggest rectification measures. At least, I have done my part. With the 3 new funds, the total wealth and job funds per year will be sh.650bn.

Samuel Businge, is worried about the ignorance of the youth. It is the NRM, starting with the secretariat and the Patriotic clubs in schools, to sensitize the young people. We are also thinking of using the curriculum reform for the schools’ population.

Lawrence Kiyonga, is complaining about officials who tax small businesses. I am against that. I do not want to tax Gonja and muchomo sellers etc. Who are these who tax you? Owashaba Oshabire, niigo mainaro gatakuuka [taking from the poor brings one incurable Kisiraani).

Eunice Nanziri, points out that the youth need to have a mind-set change. I agree. I taught your colleagues that were near me – the Muhozis, Natashas and co- to work; I am now teaching the Bazzukulu- the Hamas, Saasis and co – to work. That is why you saw me with Hama the other day. Those who do not teach children how to work, are their enemies, not their friends. This is different from child labour. They should learn but not be exploited or over -worked (okuhendeka). The Bazzukulu that do not live near me, I try to reach you through the media like now and programmes like Bonna Basome.

Kasolo Nicholas, the people with small pieces of land should grow coffee, fruits (mangoes, oranges, pineapples, apples, grapes, straw-berries etc.), food- crops, pasture for zero-grazing, dairy cattle, poultry farming, piggeries and fish-farming. This is because they bring good money even when they are on a small scale and they have got a big global market.

Oquals Peter Jr, you can still grow cotton If you have big land. Our calculation in Adjumani recently was that in one acre, one can get Sh.1.1m net. In 10 acres, sh. 11 million; in100 acres, Sh.110million; in a 1000 acres, sh. 1.1bn!! Hence, cotton, sugar-cane, tobacco, maize, tea, indigenous cattle etc, have good money; but you must do them on a big scale.

Twongyeirwe Daniel, is worried about the cost of land. Do not go for 20 acres. Go for 5 acres. One acre for the homestead (the houses) and the 4 acres for our model. The land is becoming expensive because the Ugandans are waking up from Kulambaala (Lusoga -Sleeping).

Horan Nsubuga, who was quite hostile and uninformed in his previous message, is now appreciative for my explanations. He still does not support me and he is praying that I retire and be “Father of the Nation”. My retirement has never been a problem because I will be very comfortable in my retirement: Rwakitura, Kisozi, Ntungamo- I lack nothing and I have never lacked anything after my father supported my education. What needs support is Africa, Uganda included. In my Ticad speech on the 26th August 2016, I identified 10 strategic bottlenecks that are crucial for the transformation of Africa and, even, our survival as free people. These bottlenecks are:

1) Ideological disorientation;

2) Weak states- weak Army etc;

3) Un- developed human resource (lack of Education and poor health);

4) Poor infrastructure (the roads, the railways, electricity etc.);

5) Fragmented markets and fragmented political landscape;

6) Exporting raw materials only;

7) Undeveloped Agriculture which has been the subject of my recent tour;

8) Undeveloped services;

9) Stifling the private sector; and

10) Lack of democracy.

These points are crucial for our transformation and even survival. We survived extermination by the foreigners on account of our myopic and incompetent chiefs during the time of the slave trade and colonialism. Other people did not survive _ the Aztecs in Mexico, the Incas in Peru, the Red-Indians in the USA, the Aborigines in Australia etc. I would have retired long ago if I was sure that the crucial actors saw the danger that Africa has been in ever since 1453 when the Turks captured Constantinopole, blocked the silk road for the Europeans and forced them to come to Africa on their way to the East. One of the strategic bottlenecks is market and political fragmentation. The medicine for this is economic and political integration. The medicine for market fragmentation and political balkanization is economic integration like the EAC and also political integration (East African Federation or Confederation). Why don’t political actors, if they really care about Africa, talk about these issues in addition to talking about Museveni’s retirement?

I am not impressed by any so called leader or actor, who does not see this danger and it has always been our conviction and our duty to wake up the Africans, work for their unity so as to insure our future. This is what keeps me in active politics as long as the Ugandan people support me. Wake up to the dangers Africa has been facing for the last 500 years.

Dennis Naika is worried about the post-harvest losses. We are building a chain of post – harvest facilities with a British company, Alvan Blanche.

Kamuntu John was concerned with the ticks. The tick acaricide resistance was caused by careless vets who did not warn us not to use for too long one type of acaricide. I used decatex (delter – metherin) for 16 years until it could no longer kill ticks. We shall, however, overcome these challenges. We are getting an enhanced cleanser to kill the resistant ticks. We shall, then, go back to the use of different families of acaricides in rotation. One part of the country will use one family for, maybe, 3 years and, then, shift to a new family. The acaricide families are: the organo- phosphates such as Malathion, Parathion diclorvos; the Pyrethroids such as cyfluthrin, permethrin, deltamethrin; the amidines such as diminazene, benzamidine, paranyline; and the co-formulations which are a mixture of some of the drugs. Besides this, we are also developing the anti -tick vaccine. We are refining the anti-ECF (East Coast Fever – amashuyo, amakebe) vaccine.

Li James, feels” like crying” because I am still encouraging people to grow cotton, coffee etc. In his view, this will never get us out of under-development. Have I not travelled to more developed countries, he asks me? Have I seen developed countries growing these crops? This is what makes Li James want to cry because I am telling people what will never help our country.

Wrong Mr. Li James. The most developed country in the world, the USA, actually developed on cotton, tobacco etc. Even today, the USA is still growing cotton, maize, pea-nuts, wheat, potatoes (Conagra) etc. There are some developed countries such as Japan and South Korea that do not have a strong agriculture sector and only depend on Industry, Services and ICT, Yes. However, this is not because they prefer that option. It is simply because they have no alternative. Nevertheless, the USA is better because it has everything- Agriculture, minerals (oil), services, Industry and ICT. China is overtaking the USA because it has an additional factor- a big market. Uganda, therefore, is a mini – USA. We have everything: Agriculture, forestry, minerals, fresh water resources etc, which sectors will and are producing raw -materials for our industries, produce food for our services (hotels, tourism for instance), all guided, co-ordinated and directed by ICT. Why should I throw away my advantage so that I become like the agricultureless Japan? It is amazing how our young people are fed false-hoods from all sorts of sources. It is good I am engaging you.

Pataki Pataki, General Buhari is a good friend of Uganda.

Okano, I have benefitted from the information that Gov’t officials are selling jobs for money (bribery). Work with Nakalema to apprehend the criminals.

Ssembatya Shafique, the katax on OTT was to raise money for roads, especially from the Lugambo makers. If, however, the social- media becomes a channel of serious debate, devoid of lies, then we can examine the issue, again.

Mushabe Dennis, is worried about the high interest rates of the banks. This was after appreciating the NRM. It is true. It is part of the mistakes of the World Bank. We privatized UCB under the pressure of some groups. The interest rates never came down because the Private Banks are parasites. They only think of profits. Fortunately, we refused to privatize UDB and we shall capitalize it more. It will be able to give loans at between 10% and 12%. Moreover, the wealth funds mentioned above, will only add five percentage points above inflation. If the inflation rate is 3% like now, the interest rate will be 8%; this is where the wealth fund is not a grant or an interest-free loan e.g. send a      cow – you get one cow and you pass on a similar cow to the next person. It is an interest-free loan.

Moby Weng Bagzi, the price of matooke, like all other prices, is controlled by the market – especially the World market. When we Increase production, not everything will be consumed here. We need to sell abroad at competitive prices. Otherwise, our products will kudiba (to lose market). The Global market for bananas is worth USD 23 bn. This is not such a huge market. The global market for coffee is USD 100bn, the one for milk and milk products is USD 442.32bn and the one for fruits is expected to reach USD 392bn BY 2025 .We, therefore (in addition), need to broaden the use of bananas. Dr. Muranga has developed banana starch (from flour- esaano). This will increase the demand of bananas because the banana flour is better than wheat flour. Wheat flour has the problem of gluten which causes allergy in some people. The global demand for wheat is USD 36.9bn. All this will, eventually, be captured by the banana flour because, in addition, banana also has potassium which is good for heart muscles.

Nakalema, contact Wilberforce Masay on telephone 0758191869. He has useful information.

Hon. Matia Kassaija, answer Godie Mugabe about taxing NSSF. I do not have that information.

Mutaawe wants me to allow people to visit my farm to learn about the indigenous cattle that are high performing. I always organize for leaders to visit. I will continue to do that. Indeed, my plan is for the Ankole and the Zebu to supplant the foreign breeds, with time. We can also have some Cross-breeds but separate from the pure indigenous breeds. Our indigenous breeds should never be diluted.

Dr. Jane Achieng, you have a cost-free inspection report from Bosco Must Go. Use it to get the truth. Bosco, check for me after two weeks if there is any change for the better. If no change, alert me through the same channel.

Dan Twesigye (@DanTwesigye3): who is your MP? Talk to him. The MP can work with OWC, Youth fund etc to empower your family. Try to contact the constituency MP and the Woman MP. If they fail to respond, alert me.

T Lawrence (@Lawrencelamar7), I did not see your message. I am sorry if it was my oversight. Rwanda border, I signed the Memorandum of Understanding with H. E Kagame in Luanda. Right now I am on the plane to Japan.

EriRwanda (@EriRwanda), with bullets, accuses me of torturing Rwandans who live in Uganda and of supporting Kayumba. We have discussed all this, not only with President Kagame, but also with the other regional leaders: H.E Kenyatta, H.E Lorenco, H.E Tshisekedi, H.E Magufuli and H.E Sassou Nguesso. However, I refuse to discuss inter – state matters in the press, including social media.

Spider Web (@maryjanedug), has a plan for commercial farming and wants Jajja to help and he/she is no longer going to work for the stomach.

How do I get Spider web? Although I do not want to conclude business on social – media because it will be unsustainable, but for spider Web, I will make an exception. Send me your contact sweet muzukullu – mwijukuru muruungyi.

Kayiwa (@Kayiwa85802119) is shocked. By what?

I agree with lgga Kigongo, the youth need more information and I will give it some time.

Raymond Ssembatya, was wondering what the curative measures that could be put in place could be. That is what I was doing during the recent tour. Read my booklets: From Obwiriiza to Amatafaari, The Four sectors and Seven ways to wealth and job creation, the recent social-media message of 10th august 2019 and many other documents.

Shialow (@SHIALOW1), simply did okuhigima: Hmmm!! What did he mean?
Kuzo 123 (@mayngohusaifa) saying people are being arrested for nothing. Contact your MP, your councillors, your L C 3 chairperson. They can, surely, help.

Ssenkayi LukendeLwaNnumba; Please, clarify on the missrule, then I can be able to answer you. Who are the Banyampi?

Mbazira Mudasiru, talks about being asked for his identity card. What is wrong with that? Until we woke up, we had lost 7 Sheikhs, Kaweesi, Kiggundu, Kirumira, the women that were being murdered, Walugembe in Kisojjo in Masaka. If you have nothing to hide, show your Ndaanga-muuntu.

Sober Muzukullu still thinks that it is Don Wanyama that sent the messages of 10th August and 16th August. Those messages were sent by myself because we have to combat misinformation among the youth.

Kato John (@Concerneduga), advises on planting more trees. I agree on planting trees; they have so many values: providing shade, fixing nitrogen for some of them, holding the soil to avoid soil erosion and land-slides, enabling water to sink in the soil, manufacturing oxygen for us, breaking the wind, pollination of Crops, supporting the honey industry, timber, paper, rubber, fruits, coffee etc. etc.

Balirora Kabagambe, the next recruitment for the army will be in October 2019 and that of the police is still ongoing because some districts did not fill their required quotas. A follow-up exercise will be carried out next week on a regional basis, at Kibuli

Begumisa (@GodfreyBegumis2), tells kyagulanyi to go to the bush if he wants power. That is not necessary. Politics is about competing policies. Our policy is well stated. Let the others also state theirs. If they do not have anything different, then support what is on the ground.

Kasujja (@KASUJJAEDGAR), talked of the “old fashioned”. Which is that?

Mwijukye (IMwijukye), is proposing digitalization of OWC. Hasn’t Saleh done that? I will check. More importantly, is the question of whether OWC items should continue to be grants (okuwa Obuwi) or whether they should not be turned into soft loans- so that recipients are accountable. Or whether we should not give money directly to the beneficiaries through Saccos, without middlemen.

Bigdog (@BIGDOG71074082), Co-operatives are being revived. There are four types of co-operatives: producer co-operatives, where you produce together; marketing co-operatives, where you produce separately, but market together – these are the co-operatives that many Ugandans know; consumer co-operatives, where you buy consumer items together; and saving and lending co-operatives- e.g. Saccos. Quite a number of producer co-operatives are being formed. Very many saving co-operatives have been formed. Even some of the marketing co-operatives are being formed and the old ones, e.g. BCU, are being revamped. The point is that educated people will manage co-operatives better.

Kisala Puis, we shall assist in adding value to coffee. That is definitely one of our plans.

I thank Amanya Edmund for advising the youth to save, be frugal, be patient, work, stop gambling and do not be on social media, TV and Radios, all the time. Spend more time producing and only go on the social – media after work. I sent the other message in the night in kisozi when I woke up at the 10th hour of the night (Shaaha ikumi z’ekiro) because I had slept early (at the 3rd hour of the night). The second message, I wrote it in the night while in Nakasero. This one, I have been using the flying hours to Yokohama, Japan  to write it. Work and, then, communicate if you have time. Do not just communicate, communicate and no work.

Ada Haki: “Where did I say that I was selling hides to China?” As for the number of cattle, Uganda has got 14 million cattle. That is what I told you above.

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