Maj Gen Paul Lokech Appointed Chief of Staff UPDF Air-force

Presidend Yoweri Museveni who is also the commander in chief of the armed forces has appointed Maj Gen Paul Lokech as the new UPDFAF chief of staff to take over from Maj Gen James Birungi who is now the SFC commander.

The appointment was announced by Brig Richard Karemire the defense spokesman in a tweet.

Gen Lokech has previously served as the Amisom Contingent commander in Somalia and recently as the commander Uganda Rapid Deployment Capability Center in Jinja.

Brig Bob Ogik has also been appointed Deputy Commandant Senior Command and Staff College-Kimaka while Brig Winston Byaruhanga is appointee Commandant Junior Staff College-Jinja.

To replace Maj Gen Lokech, Brig Peter Omolla has been appointed Commander Uganda Rapid Deployment Capability Centre.

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